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. by Mind Map: .

1. Misson

1.1. Delivers professional training that puts people first. We focus on individual needs and learning styles, building the trust and confidence that people need to succeed.

2. Premises


2.2. Digital Jersey

3. Technology

3.1. Hubs

3.2. Apps

3.3. Teams

3.4. Sharepoint

4. Materials


5. Teaching

5.1. Class times

5.2. Pass assurance

5.3. Methods

6. Governance

6.1. Incorporation

6.2. Registered office

6.3. Business license application and business plan

6.4. Returns

6.5. Lawyers

6.6. Memo and Arts

6.7. Contracts/Handbook

7. Webreality

7.1. Names

8. Strategy

8.1. ACCA

8.2. ICSA

8.3. PD

8.4. Premises

8.5. ICAEW

9. Client services

9.1. Initial set up

9.2. Arlo

10. Pitch Packs


11. Clients

11.1. Approached

11.2. Next band

11.3. Leave unless approached