Digital Citizenship by Cindy and Shiho
by 8D_ZCindy 36902
1. Rights and Responsibility
1.1. Think about the effect it would have if you spread things around on the internet.- Cindy
1.2. Remember to log out of your accounts.-Cindy
1.3. Privacy- Shiho
1.4. Free speech- Shiho
2. Law
2.1. Dont download illegal things.- Cindy
2.2. Make sure you obey the law with everything you download just incase you might get charged.-Cindy
2.3. Don't plagiarise your work-Shiho
2.4. Don't forward chain mails- Shiho
3. Etiquette
3.1. Talk with appropriate language-Shiho
3.2. Report inappropriate behavior- Shiho
3.3. Only write things you would normally write-Cindy
3.4. Make sure you don't write something mean or rude to anyone.-Cindy
4. Literacy
4.1. Learn how to use the internet properly- Cindy
4.2. Make sure you know what you are doing on your computer. -Cindy
4.3. People should learn how to use immediate technology- Shiho
4.4. New programs- Shiho
5. Security (self protection)
5.1. Have virus protection-Shiho
5.2. Have back-ups of data-Shiho
5.3. Download software to help block the viruses on your computer. -Cindy
5.4. Put all your important files on a hard drive just incase you get hacked or your computer got a virus.-Cindy
6. Commerce
6.1. Make sure that the exchange is legitimate-Shiho
6.2. Don't do illegal activities online-Shiho
6.3. When doing something activities online make sure you know what you are doing. -Cindy
6.4. Make sure you obey the terms and conditions of what you are exchanging or buying online.-Cindy
7. Comunication
7.1. Only talk to people you know- Cindy
7.2. Don't accept an add from someone you don't know and then start start talking to them.-Cindy
7.3. Don't talk to anonymous people-Shiho
7.4. When you are talking to someone make sure it is really the person that you think you are talking to-Shiho
8. Access
8.1. Only access the things that are you suppose to. -Cindy
8.2. Make you know the website you are going to access. - Cindy
8.3. Make sure that the website you are visiting is legitimate and if you're not sure find another website-Shiho
8.4. Fair access- Shiho
9. Health and wellness
9.1. Dont spend everyday on the computer just once in awhile.- Cindy
9.2. When on the computer sit in a good position and don't stare at the screen too long- Cindy
9.3. Take lots of rests-Shiho
9.4. Don't stay on the computer for too long-Shiho
10. New node