Digital Citizenship - FFL AL MN

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Digital Citizenship - FFL AL MN by Mind Map: Digital Citizenship - FFL  AL  MN

1. Digital Commerce

1.1. Appropriate behaviour in a new digital economy - MN

1.2. Learn how to be an effective consumer - MN

1.3. Be aware of issues - F.F.L

1.4. Conflict with laws - F.F.L

1.5. Be effective consumers - AL

1.6. Don't download illegally - AL

2. Health and Wellness

2.1. Learn about the dangers about digital technology - MN

2.2. Take a rest - MN

2.3. Rest Your eyes - F.F.L

2.4. Have your screen in a good distance - F.F.L

2.5. Have good posture - AL

2.6. Drink some water - AL

3. Digital Law

3.1. Never violate the rules when using a website - MN

3.2. Always follow the terms and conditions - MN

3.3. Respect the rules - AL

3.4. Respect other people's work - AL

3.5. Follow the rules - F.F.L

3.6. Respect the ethics - F.F.L

4. Digital Etiquette

4.1. Use technology appropriately - AL

4.2. Follow the rules - AL

4.3. Everyone should be taught to become responsible digital citizens- MN

4.4. Read the terms and conditions before using technology - MN

4.5. Follow the rules and regulations - F.F.L

4.6. Learn digital etiquette - F.F.L

5. Digital Access

5.1. Everyone should have fair access - AL

5.2. Respect limited access - AL

5.3. Be aware of your access limit - MN

5.4. People should have the same amount of access - MN

5.5. Being aware and support - F.F.L

5.6. Adress - F.F.L

6. Digital Security

6.1. Protect your Password - AL

6.2. Keep a different password for every account -MN

6.3. Never share your passwords to anyone - MN

6.4. Self protection - F.F.L

6.5. Trust other members- FFL

6.6. Don't disrupt other people - AL

7. Digital Communication

7.1. Be careful what you write - AL

7.2. Respect - F.F.L

7.3. Make appropriate decisions on what you say - Fei-Fei

7.4. Make appropriate decisions - AL

7.5. Think about what is an appropriate type of communication language when using online technology - MN

7.6. Be careful, because what you say could hurt someone unintentionally - MN

8. Digital Literacy

8.1. Learn how to use digital literacy quickly - MN

8.2. Having the ability to understand digital technology - MN

8.3. High degree of information literacy skills - Fei-Fei

8.4. Learn how to use the technology appropriately - FFL

8.5. Learners need to be taught about technology - AL

8.6. Understanding technology - AL

9. Digital Rights and Responsibilities

9.1. Use in an appropriate manner - Fei-Fei

9.2. Being responsible F.F.L

9.3. Know your boundaries of what is appropriate when using technology - MN

9.4. Digital rights should be discussed and understood before usage - MN

9.5. Digital users have the right of privacy - AL

9.6. Protect yourself and others - AL

10. New node