1. The latest technology keeps on changing and instead of worrying about what it is doing to us we just try to get the latest trends. Peoples posture and eyes are what get effected the most. Its not just your eyes and posture though, almost every part of our body gets effected in different ways, and sometimes we only realize when its to late. We need to make technology users aware of what technology is doing to us.
2. Digital Etiquette KR
3. Digital Law EH
4. Digital Security (EH)
5. Digital Health and Welness (KR)
5.1. What PLC could do: PLC could buy new chairs which have good back support. The teachers could also have timers so that they could give us a break every now and then so that we don't get square eyes. KR
6. PLC could put up more notices up about anti-virus software to install on your computer to protect it, or just install more anti-virus software onto the computers, or just maybe give lessons on how to install anti-virus software. They have also disabled websites that could possibly be information-revealing.
7. Digital Security means that we sould know what websites we can or can't go on, the personal information we put out (which should be limited!) on social networking sites (like FaceBook, Twitter, etc.) and protection for our software against viruses. W can protect them by installing anti-virus software.
8. Digital Rights and Responsibilities KR
9. Digital Law is an important part of digital citizenship that all users must obey, though alot of users don't abide by the rules. Users need to understand that stealing, causing damage to people's work and stealing people's identity online is a crime. Hacking into other people's information, downloading illegal music, plagiarizing, creating destructive worms, viruses, or sending spam, etc. is unethical.
10. Users of the internet need to learn to use the appropriate speech and manner when talking to others, as so often there is a lot of inappropriate language and behavior going on, such as bullying. People should think about how they behave on the internet.
11. PLC could put up posters promoting digital etiquette and the right way to speak to people on the internet, or possibly install a swear word detecting thing on the computers (if that is even possible). PLC has disabled alot of websites on their computers, so using inappropriate language towards other people at school is not really the biggest problem.
12. PLC has disabled social networking sites and non-school related sites from working, so sending spam and downloading illegal things are not a problem. But as for everything else, they could put more security systems on the computer to track down who went on what computer at what time, so stealing other people's identities would be less of a problem. But for everything else, I guess they would just have to put up posters promoting the right behaviour.
13. Digital Communication EH
14. Digital Literacy KR
14.1. Digital Literacy is all about having the ability to organize, evaluate, understand and analyze information using digital technology. It involves understanding how digital literacy can be used. You need a working knowledge of current high technology (the latest trends).
15. Digital Commerce EH
16. Digital Access KR
16.1. Digital Access is something we all need to be careful about. If we leave out members of our digital society we are hurting our community. If we want to be good citizens we need to be careful not to leave anyone out and be a involving to everyone.
16.2. What PLC can do: A great thing PLC could do is encourage the students to get involved with digital community.
17. There are many forms of communication these days with mobile phones, and mainly computers (which you can use to communicate people with at any time on A LOT of websites). This means that people can be in-touch with other people at any time, all the time. And a lot of people 'fall into the trap' of getting addicted to the internet and addicted to constantly talking to people and can't be alone by themselves without reaching for the phone/laptop.
18. With the rights that everyone has on the internet these days (such as freedom of speech, privacy, etc.) comes responsibilities. People should use the internet and how they communicate over it in an appropriate manner.
19. In the students' IT lessons, perhaps the teachers could take some time out to explain these issues and the problems that come from talking to people all the time to the students, as a lot of young people become addicted to the internet without knowing it, and this information can be helpful to prevent that.
20. Most people buy a lot of things over the internet now, and trust a lot of sellers with their credit card details. Using official retailing websites (e.g. Sportsgirl, etc.) is usually ok, but websites such as eBay can have sellers that are un-trustworthy. The sellers can have illegal products, can be against the law, or sell the items for more than they should be. Buyers need to be careful of which companies/sellers they give their money to.
21. PLC could teach students which websites are safest to buy from/give our money to, and how to be careful when searching for the best deal, as many sellers are quite dodgy.
22. What PLC can do: Possible solutions are talking to your parents, if you feel that the situation is getting out of hand. If people send you inappropriate messages then just ignore them or delete them.