Digital Citizenship By :Curie and Caroline

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Digital Citizenship By :Curie and Caroline by Mind Map: Digital Citizenship By :Curie and Caroline

1. What PLC can do: PLC can make students aware of their rights and responsibilities by making up photos with inappropriate behaviour . CM

2. What a Family Can Do: A Family can educate their children by talking to them about what they are allowed to do what what they are not allowed to do on the internet. CM

3. Rights and Responsibilities

4. Etiquette

4.1. What a Family can Do: A family can simply talk to their members about etiquette. CM

4.2. What PLC can Do: PLC can include lessons about etiquette in IT4Learning classes. CM

5. Literacy

5.1. What PLC can Do: PLC teachers can make the students hand in assignments by studywiz. CM

5.2. What a Family can Do: Encourage their children to hand in computer copies of assignment as well as hard copies. CM

6. Communication

7. What can PLC do: The school can encouraging students to start communicating with any exchange students via social networks or email. C.Q

8. What can family do: The family can start to communicate with relatives or friends from other areas/states/countries via webcam, email or social networks to share any experience through photos/videos, statuses or orally sharing them via webcam. C.Q

9. Access

9.1. What PLC can Do: Put up posters about digital access. CM

10. Security

11. Health and Wellness

12. Commerce

12.1. What PLC can Do: PLC can put up posters about which sites are legal and which sites are not. CM

12.2. What a Family can Do: Tell the children about which sites are legal and which sites are not. CM

13. Law

14. What can family do: Install anti-virus softwares/programs. Check the privacy settings and passwords of any members of the family that own any digital accounts. C.Q

15. What can PLC do: Require students to visit any websites that educates students about digital security such as keeping our email accounts safe and any other accounts that we have created. We can also play games that involves us to read about cyber-safety. C.Q

16. What PLC can do: The school can educate students about respecting and obeying the digital law and notify them about the consequences that are expected when violating the law. C.Q

17. What can families do: Families can monitor what their children are doing when their on the computer and blocking and illegal websites.

18. What PLC can do: The school can supply the computer rooms with the correct type of chair to sit on. PLC can also reinforce intolerance of bullying via any digital devices. C.Q

19. What families can do: Purchase posture chairs and be aware of what their children are doing on the internet and their phones. C.Q