IEA Diploma

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IEA Diploma by Mind Map: IEA Diploma

1. Specification

1.1. Must be able to work on all major web browsers

1.2. Must include worksheets that correspond with the GCSE Spanish curriculum

1.3. Must be aesthetically pleasing - complementary colour palette

1.4. Interface must be intuitive and user-friendly

2. Facilities

2.1. Microsoft Word

2.2. Adobe Photoshop

2.3. Adobe InDesign

2.4. MindMeister


2.6. Google Suite

2.6.1. Docs

2.6.2. Sites

2.6.3. Mail

2.6.4. Spreadsheet

2.6.5. Presentation

3. Evaluation

3.1. Deadline: 15th Nov

3.1.1. Blog

4. Deadlines

4.1. 1st May Planning Research

4.2. 1st June Design

4.3. 15th Sept Implementation

4.4. 15th Oct Testing

4.5. 15th Nov Evaluation

4.6. Dec 1st Deadline

4.7. February IEA Diploma presentation

5. Enduser

5.1. Ms Julie Bisaillon

5.1.1. Spanish teacher

5.2. Communication

5.2.1. Physical Interview

5.2.2. Other modes Email Chat Videocall Telephone call

6. Technical Competencies

6.1. Will require knowledge of how to use:

6.1.1. Adobe Dreamweaver

6.1.2. Adobe InDesign

6.1.3. Adobe Photoshop

6.1.4. Microsoft Word

7. Analysis

7.1. Looking through analogous projects

8. Implementation

8.1. Deadline: 15th Sept

8.1.1. As a resource which GCSE Spanish students can access

9. Testing

9.1. Deadline: 15th Oct

9.1.1. Will give to cohort of selected students to use Will collect feedback from survey

10. Design

10.1. Deadline: 1st June

10.1.1. Initial Design

10.1.2. New node