IEA Diploma

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IEA Diploma by Mind Map: IEA Diploma

1. Research

1.1. Software photo editing techniques

1.1.1. Photoshop

1.2. Photography techniques

1.2.1. Books

1.2.2. Magazines

1.2.3. Websites

1.3. More about client/ client company backgrounds

1.3.1. Websites

1.3.2. Leaflets

1.4. Colour combinations for poster

1.4.1. Experimentation with photoshop

1.4.2. Art books

1.4.3. Websites

1.5. Most effective poster layouts

1.5.1. Books

1.5.2. Websites

1.5.3. Magazines

1.5.4. Newspaper

2. Planning

2.1. Making Project Blog

2.2. Create Mind map, brainstorming possible project ideas

2.2.1. Refine and decide final project idea Confirm final project idea

2.2.2. Create 3 detailed analysis on potential project ideas

2.3. Find potential client

2.4. Produce project Gantt chart

3. Final Product

3.1. Develop final poster with authority of client

3.2. Present final product to client

3.2.1. Email

3.2.2. Print

3.3. Upload finalize project to IEA Diploma Log

4. Client

4.1. Identify Client

4.1.1. Get Business Card Client Name Emily Lo Client Company St James Settlement

4.1.2. Arrange Meetings with Client Email Screen shot emails Face to face meetings Record meetings

4.2. Explain to client about project

4.2.1. Use project log Show project log Gantt Chart

5. Development

5.1. Sketch / produce a few final possible outcome ideas

5.1.1. On paper

5.1.2. Photoshop

5.2. Write a few brief short paragraphs to go with poster

5.2.1. Google documents

5.2.2. Microsoft Word

5.3. Develop a final draft with sketches and information for poster

5.3.1. Photoshop

5.4. Show client ideas and improve on it

5.4.1. Improve and refine #1

5.4.2. Improve and refine #2

5.4.3. Improve and refine #3

6. Reflection

6.1. Record project process

6.1.1. Use IEA Diploma Log Write a blog at least once a week

6.2. Produce a survey to record the success level of final project

6.2.1. Send to client

6.2.2. Send to classmates

7. Deadlines

7.1. Planning research

7.1.1. May 1st

7.2. Design

7.2.1. June 1st

7.3. Implementation

7.3.1. Sept 15th

7.4. Testing

7.4.1. Oct 15th

7.5. Evaluation

7.5.1. Nov 15th

7.6. Deadline

7.6.1. Dec 1st

7.7. IEA Diploma Presentation

7.7.1. Feb 2012