1. LESSON 1 : What is Media?
1.1. Defining "MEDIA"
1.1.1. The Communication Process There are various types of communication models to show us how humans relay messages to each others. The simplest and perhaps the oldest model is the Shannon-Weaver of Communication that shows a linear type of communication process.
1.1.2. Media as an Information Industry As mentioned earlier, "medium" is the singular form of the plural from "media" but when referring to communication and information media, the proper collective term to use, whether in singular or plural form, is "the media".
1.1.3. The Feedback Mechanism However, there are other improvements to this basic model of communication. A very important factor was considered: a feedback. Developing the Shannon-Weaver model, other communication theorists like David Berlo were able to add the receiver's reaction which is sent to the sender of the message
1.1.4. Media as a Culture of Entertainment - Aside from using or accessing the media for information, we may be more concerned with using or accessing media for its entertainment value. Thus, we purchase various forms of media gadgets or participate in media event (like watching movies at the theater house) mainly to have fun.
1.2. Kinds of Media
1.2.1. Traditional Media
1.2.2. New Media
1.2.3. Social Media
1.2.4. Mobile Communications Technology
1.2.5. Related and Emerging Technologies Alternative and Independent Media
2. LESSON 2 : Media Then and Now
2.1. Brief History of Media
2.1.1. Pre Industrial Age - Society refers to social attributes and forms of political and cultural organization that were prevalent before the advent of the Industrial Revolution, which occurred from 1750 to 1850. Pre-industrial is a time before there were machines and tools to help perform tasks en masse.
2.1.2. Industrial Age Is a period of history that encompasses the changes in economic and social organization that began around 1760 in Great Britain and later in other countries, characterized chiefly by the replacement of hand tools with power-driven machines such as the power loom and the steam engine, and by the concentration of industry in large establishments.
2.1.3. Electronic Age - In the dictionary is the electronic age the electronic age began when electronic equipment, including computers came into use.
2.1.4. Digital Age - Also called the information age, is defined as the time period starting in the 1970s with the introduction of the personal computer with subsequent technology introduced providing the ability to transfer information freely and quickly.
2.2. Brief History of Philippine Media
2.2.1. Pre - Colonial Traces Like the early ancestor of humankind, our ancestor also developed a system of communication and information dissemination. When there is a system of oral communication, if follows that a system of written communication also existed.
2.2.2. The Print Industry and Filipino Freedom - Books, magazines, and newspapers were brought to the Philippines by the ancient colonizers, mostly printed in language that not everybody in the archipelago could speak.
2.2.3. The European Film Import Another European import is film. two years after successfully launching cinema, the Lumiere brothers' cinematographe film camera and project invention made its way to Philippine shores via the efforts of a Spanish soldier named Carlo Naquera.
2.2.4. The Broadcast Industry The introduction of the broadcast industry in the Philippines started with the introduction of the telegraph and telephone system in the country.
2.2.5. Local Online Media The Philippines officially connected to the world of the internet on March 1994 through the efforts of PHNET or Philippines Network Foundation, a consortium of various academic institutions, private companies, and government agencies
2.3. The State of Media Today
2.3.1. From Globalization to Glocalization The concept of glolabization has changed the way media is produced, circulated, distributed, and consumed.
2.3.2. The Local Landscape The current media landscape in the Philippines is still predominantly Manila-centric. Since most -- if not all -- of the major media outlets, production studios and head officers are based in Manila, there are often times when media content becomes too reflective of Manila's issues and concern only.
2.4. Media Ownership
2.4.1. Mainstream Media - Is a term and abbreviation used to refer collectively to the various large mass news media that influence many people, and both reflect and shape prevailing currents of thought.
2.4.2. Community Media Are generally defined as a distinct sector of the media for their independence, base in civil society and provision of a social service as opposed to seeking profits.
2.4.3. Stated-owned Media Or state-owned media is media for mass communication which is "controlled financially and editorially by the state." These news outlets may be the sole media outlet or may exist in competition with corporate and non-corporate media.
3. LESSON 3: Understanding Media : Aesthetics of the Media, Text, and Audio
3.1. Framing and Reading
3.1.1. Newspapers and Journalism Most of today's spreading of the printed word happens because of immediate information dissemination and exchange. This is most evident in the world of news.
3.1.2. Books, Comics, Magazines, and the Publishing Industry - Even with the advent of the internet and social media, the printed book is still a viable way of getting information and being entertained by information.
3.1.3. Photography and Timeless Image Concepts Photography, as originally defined, is "the process of recording surface" referring to the celluloid film known before as the negative.
3.2. Framing and Listening
3.2.1. Radio and Evoking Imagination - Radio is the most popular form of mass media all over the world. For the message senders, it is powerful since the broadcast could reach a wide array of areas, covering many households and reaching many individuals at a given time. For the message receivers, radio becomes an immediate source of news because information is always fresh and delivered fast
4. LESSON 4 : Understanding Media : Aesthetic of Film and Tv
4.1. The Film Form
4.1.1. Modes of Film Production
4.1.2. Film Formats Narrative Doocumentary Animation Experimental
4.1.3. Film Image Composition - Relationship of objects and people, play of light and dark, colors and their patterns and position of the camera and the angles
4.1.4. Motion Framing Concepts zoom, pan, dolly, focus, tilt, pedestal and truck
4.2. The Tv Broadcast - it has more stable and unending supply of content.
4.2.1. Kinds of Tv Shows -Informative Programming, Entertainment Programming
4.2.2. Tv Show Anatomy and Advertising
4.3. Craft Media Messages
4.3.1. Creating Meaning in Audio Production
4.3.2. Creating Meaning in Image Production
4.3.3. Creating Meaning in Audiovisual Production
5. LESSON 6 : Understanding Media: Aesthetics of Social Networking
5.1. Deeper Understanding of Social Media
5.2. Kinds of Social Media and Its Varying Uses -print-based, audio-based, photo-based,video-based, social networking sites
5.3. Relevance of Social Media in Today's Society
5.3.1. Personal Communications
5.3.2. Business and Customer Care Tools
5.3.3. Social Services and Governance
5.3.4. Educational Tools
5.3.5. Advocacy Campaigns
5.3.6. Traditional Media Coverage and Social Media Enhancement
5.3.7. Entertainment Portals
5.4. What is Social Networking? A supportive sysem of sharing information and services.
6. LESSON 5 :Understanding Media : Aesthetic of New Media
6.1. Deconstructing New Media
6.1.1. New Media Technology : Covergence and Characteristics - To dismiss new media as better than traditional media is a fallacy. In most of the creative industries today, traditional media and new media exist and are utilized side by side.
6.1.2. New Media as Multimedia New media gadgets like mobile smartphones and computer tablet also signify this convergence of the old and the new.
6.1.3. New Media Transitions: from Synergy to Transmedia - Big media corporations who run media industries for profit, always try to find ways of making more money out of existing media content.
6.2. Intersecting Traditional Media and New Media The digitalization of specific ICT's with the platform served by the internet has produced interesting convergences that influence the way media content is created and delivered.
6.2.1. Journalism + Internet = Blogging When a news reporter stumbles upon a news, he or she writes the story and sends it to the newspapers editor for analysis and approval.
6.2.2. Broadcasting = Internet = Podcast When you release media content over the radio or television, that is called a broadcaster. When you do a broadcast over the internet, it is called a "podcast".
6.2.3. Film = Internet = Youtube We have already sen how the traditional media ways of filmmaking has embraced the new media technologies. The mode or manner of distribution is also being embraced by traditional media of film: the exhibition: If you have a short film, you could upload it on video sharing sites like YouTube.