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ingles 2 by Mind Map: ingles 2

1. vocavulary

1.1. verbs

1.1.1. dial

1.1.2. rain

1.1.3. think

1.1.4. travel

1.1.5. sign

1.1.6. check out

1.2. pronouns

1.2.1. dessert

1.2.2. sunny

1.2.3. ship

1.2.4. bank

1.2.5. hotel

2. lessions 8,9,10,11,12,13,14

3. grammar

3.1. how much and how many

3.2. how + be questions

3.3. think + that statements/questions

3.4. object pronouns

3.5. would like (to)

3.6. the indirect object (also)

3.7. the conjunctions AND and BUT

4. expressions

4.1. nothing else