How does digital technology affect ESL learners who haven't had exposure to technology or are lac...

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How does digital technology affect ESL learners who haven't had exposure to technology or are lacking these skills? by Mind Map: How does digital technology affect ESL learners who haven't had exposure to technology or are lacking these skills?

1. What are technology challenges for these learners?

1.1. Lack of knowledge and basic computer skills

1.2. Isolation from peers who have more experience

1.3. Outdated hardware and software on personal computers and phones

2. How do these learners benefit from using technology in their learning process?

2.1. Teaches a skill that can be transferred to settlement and employment

2.2. Promotes collaboration

2.3. Engages students

2.4. Allows a student to learn at their own pace

2.5. Increases access to resources and learning materials

3. What are the types of technology used with these types of learners?

3.1. Online resources

3.2. Smart Boards, Tablets, Computers, Smart Phones

3.3. Learning Management System

3.4. Digital learning tools

4. How does the use of technology affect these learner's productivity?

4.1. Distraction from the ESL learning process

4.2. Information overload