1. Experiences
1.1. Create Otherwise Inaccessible Experiences
1.1.1. Connect with students in other schools, provinces and countries.
1.1.2. Students can share experiences they are having with their class; humanitarian missions, family trips, voluntours etc
1.1.3. Guest speakers, authors, government officials, elders, motivational speakers, experts Conduct interviews
1.1.4. Learn new languages and traditions from other cultures Teach their culture, language and traditions to others
1.1.5. Trips to other provinces, countries etc. Geography lessons, history lessons etc.
1.1.6. Field trips for those who cannot go or for schools who cannot afford
2. Communication
2.1. Homework Helper
2.2. Communicate with Parents
2.2.1. Share experiments, presentations, performances, debates etc with parents or grand parents
2.3. Student to Student collaberation
2.3.1. Students that have to miss school due to illness or other circumstances can communicate with thier peers and teacher
2.4. Support Special Needs Students/ESL Students
3. Cost Efficient
3.1. No Travel Expenses
3.2. FREE!!!
3.3. No paper/printing
3.4. No phone charges
4. Professional Learning and Sharing Ideas
4.1. Conferences
4.1.1. Other Teachers Professionals-doctors,CFS, mental health workers, specialists, MKO's (more knowledgaeable others)
4.2. Department meetings within and out of division
4.2.1. Mentors Training Sessions - using Skype, on-line courses, using Smartboards, coaching tips etc.
4.3. One on One
4.3.1. Small Groups Large Groups
4.4. Websites and resources for Skype and FaceTime (lesson plans and ideas)
5. Student Learning and Sharing of Ideas
5.1. Present, perform, read to other students
5.2. Debate within the class or with others in another class or school
5.3. Practice public speaking
5.3.1. communication skills interview skills
5.4. Technology skills
5.4.1. troubleshooting multitasking organization