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My journey by Mind Map: My journey

1. Wealth

2. Health

3. Running my business

3.1. Efficiency and innovation consulting business

3.1.1. Intellectual/brain hub

3.2. 创业公司死亡原因:1. 商业模式匮乏(没有想好怎么赚钱)2.市场伪需求和行业激烈竞争 3. 业务调整和产品入场时机。4. 企业转型。5 现金流断裂 6. 融资能力不足 7. 业务过于分散 8. 烧钱 9 定价和成本问题 10.营销不足 11 创始人问题 12 法律法规风险 13 不重视客户 14 团队能力不足 15 与投资人冲突 16 股权结构 17 了解行业运行规律

3.2.1. Cash flow: you must maintain at least 8 months cash flow to make sure you can obtain the additional cash for your future operation.

3.2.2. Competitor: 提前思考你的替代品是谁?谁会进入市场成为你的competitor。 产品入市时间点是重要的,如果入晚了,你的竞争对手先入市,你可能会碰到危机。

3.2.3. 你需要每天问自己,我是不是过于自信了。因为你的偏见会不停的欺骗你。 你需要有这么一个人可以时刻提醒你,你有点自信过头了。

3.2.4. 小心选择你的商业伙伴,他们很可能是你最大的敌人。解决方案,1.明确分工 2 明确股权 3 尽可能避免双方家族成员入职,如果不行不能任要职。4 沟通要扁平化,管理经可能不要越过2级。

3.2.5. 找到糟糕的员工,如果自己能够搞定的事情,不要招人。第一个1000万收入需要靠创始人自己打拼出来。

3.3. Website to promote knowledge and skill sharing - 课外学习的机制

3.3.1. Develop business plan/understand my business weakness and business viability

3.4. 创业关键的20%是什么?80/20 原则 抓住20% 同时考虑各种风险,另外就是如何在保持水平不变的情况降低风险。

3.5. Blogging business - Travel & professional knowledge

3.6. 不断思考自己的核心竞争力并且不能把核心竞争力放掉。交给别人来运作。

3.7. 培养agile 企业,面对变化可以快速反应,这样对市场突如其来的风险才能有抵御能力。

3.8. 我希望我工作的企业永远都是make an impact

4. Self-development

4.1. Decision-making

4.2. Entrepreneurs

4.2.1. 提炼别人思想的精华,以人为书,以人心为历练, 以挫折和失败为磨砺,以自己为敌人

4.2.2. 道德经

4.3. Problem-solving

4.4. Change management

4.5. Strategy

4.6. Innovation & Efficiency

4.7. Influence

4.8. Marketing

4.9. Public Speaking

4.10. IT

4.11. Leadership

4.12. Emotional Intelligence

4.13. Mental tool

4.14. Organisational behaviour

4.15. Weakness Awareness and strategy

4.16. Investment

4.17. 16 personality knowledge

4.18. Agile management

4.19. Don’t be indecisive or lack of clarity

5. Meaningful relationship

5.1. Person who possess my weakness as their strength

5.2. Person who can offer me advice for growth

6. Family

6.1. Husband - INTP-A

6.1.1. Weakness 1. live in the fear of failure, always second guess of themselves. 2. Disorganised/absent-mindedness 3. Significant weakness - condescension-brutality and impatience 4. Insensitivity - ignore the emotional consideration.

6.1.2. How to overcome and personal grow 1. Develop emotional intelligence learn key behaviours to help other people to feel heard and cared to relate and connect with others. 2. Harness the power of relationships - purposely cultivate social and professional relationship 3. Bring others to their inner world, get important feedback that can help them to clarify their high-level ideas and make them understandable to wider audience 4. Step back to think if their idea actually work and does have practical value 5. Develop empathy and compassion.