What is needed to effectively facilitate peer support in a group setting composed of parents whos...

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What is needed to effectively facilitate peer support in a group setting composed of parents whose children are receiving cancer treatments? by Mind Map: What is needed to effectively facilitate peer support in a group setting composed of parents whose children are receiving cancer treatments?

1. Location

1.1. By clinic?

1.2. On site/Off site?

1.3. Open/closed space?

1.4. Changing locations?

2. Participation

2.1. Scheduled vs drop-in?

2.2. Parents

2.3. Gaurdians

2.4. Caregivers

2.5. Where will the children be if during clinic?

2.6. Any follow-ups?

2.7. Faciliatators

2.8. Snacks/coffee ($ for)

2.9. How to bring people together

2.10. Potential disagreements/conflicts-how to manage

2.11. How many people per group? Any max?

3. Guidance

3.1. Circle space

3.2. Mingling

3.3. Fixed vs. variable topics per group?

3.4. Speaking terms

3.5. Guest speakers? (Parents, doctors, clinician?)

3.6. Emotional supports

3.7. Resources

3.8. Safe space

3.9. Structured vs loose?

4. Motivation

4.1. Coping strategies

4.2. Peer support

4.3. Building relationships

4.4. Obtaining knowledge

4.5. Resources

4.6. Connection/no more isolation

4.7. Advocacy and autonomy in same

4.8. Taking charge

4.9. Understanding and Education

5. Date/time

5.1. During clinic hours?

5.2. Lunch time?

5.3. M-F? Weekends (not likely)

5.4. Weekly/Bi-Weekly/Monthly?

5.5. 1/2 hr-1hr?

5.6. Afternoon session where people come and go if needed?

5.7. How long will group run in totality? Indefinitely? Cyclically?

6. Collective potential needs/discussion

6.1. Grief/Loss

6.1.1. Death

6.1.2. Loss of normal life

6.1.3. Loss of health

6.1.4. Loss of income

6.2. Fear

6.2.1. Death

6.2.2. Family changes

6.2.3. Living with

6.2.4. Time

6.2.5. Explaining to child/siblings

6.2.6. Bad news

6.3. Frustration

6.3.1. Alone

6.3.2. Finances

6.3.3. Marital stress/fights/disagreements

6.3.4. Not understanding medical discourse

6.4. Joy

6.4.1. Family

6.4.2. Allowing for moments of strength

6.4.3. Laughter

6.4.4. Birthdays

6.4.5. Time with loved ones

6.4.6. Good news