Learning therories

learning theories

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Learning therories by Mind Map: Learning therories

1. Constructivism

1.1. Piaget

1.1.1. An learner must construct/build their own knowledge progressively through experiences

1.1.2. Assimilation

1.1.3. Accomadation

1.1.4. Equilibrium

1.1.5. Based more on a individual theory

1.2. Vygotsky

1.2.1. Based more on a comunity

1.2.2. co-construction of knowledge

1.2.3. Languages role in culture

1.2.4. learning leads development

2. Constructionism

2.1. Papert

2.1.1. Building involvels process and product

2.1.2. learning through engagement

3. Instructionism

3.1. instruction by a teacher directly

3.1.1. learning through teacher centered

4. History of education technology

4.1. Lazert's problem cylinder

4.2. BF Skinner teaching machine

4.3. Sidney Pressey's Teaching Machine

4.4. IBM 1500

4.4.1. Course-writer II

4.5. Micro Computer

5. Behaviorism

5.1. B.F Skinner

5.1.1. Reward and punishment

5.1.2. how consequences will shape a students behavior

5.2. Classical conditioning