Create Learning resources

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Create Learning resources by Mind Map: Create Learning resources

1. Games in Education

1.1. Ebooks

1.1.1. Digital Games in Education - A handbook for teachers

1.2. Apps

1.2.1. Zoodle - find age appropriate games

2. Online Game creators

2.1. gnowledge

2.2. Educaplay Multimedia teaching resources

2.3. Chore wars

2.4. Kubbu

2.5. Interactive quiz maker

2.6. Game generator

2.7. Philologus game creator

2.8. Jeopardy Style

2.8.1. Quizbreak

2.8.2. Jeopardy

2.9. Lists

2.9.1. Articles Top 100 Learning Game resources

3. PowerPoint Games

3.1. EdGames Templates

4. Flashcards

4.1. Apps

4.1.1. Mobile Study Blue

4.2. Presentations

4.2.1. Fun with flashcards

5. Writing Frames

5.1. Creating writing frames in MS Word