Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship

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Digital Citizenship by Mind Map: Digital Citizenship

1. Inclusive

1.1. Digital Communitcation

1.2. Digital Etiquette

1.2.1. Being online comes with responsibility, know how to effectively interact in a digital world.

2. Alert

2.1. Digital Security & Privacy

2.1.1. Click the link to learn some tips and tricks to Cybersecurity.

2.2. Digital Commerce

2.2.1. Be aware and do research on new websites, especially those that require you to buy something.

3. Informed

3.1. Digital Fluency

3.1.1. Know your cites and social media’s before you take everything to heart.

4. Engaged

4.1. Digital Rights & Responsibilities

4.1.1. A digital citizen’s rights and responsibilities include everything on this organizer. If it’s on here, it’s either a right or responsibility.

4.2. Digital Law

4.2.1. Laws do not vanish with technology, in fact three types of cybercrime exist: 1. Crimes against People 2. Crimes against Property 3. Crimes against Government

5. Balanced

5.1. Digital Access

5.1.1. Using technology has been linked to depression and anxiety, by monitoring your use of social media, you can ensure the health of your wellness.

5.2. Digital Wellness

5.2.1. Every child should have the right to an equal education, this is likely to happen through technology.