Identified Gaps

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Identified Gaps by Mind Map: Identified Gaps

1. No feedback except direct interaction with GM

1.1. Nothing to base improvements on

2. Communication problems with customers

2.1. Pre-experience

2.1.1. Website not in English

2.1.2. Room availability on website not updated

2.1.3. Mostly images of new building displayed

2.2. Experience

2.2.1. Complimentary minibar not communicated

2.2.2. Lack of pamphlets in English

2.2.3. Receptionist doesn't know ski slopes opening hours

2.3. Post-experience

2.3.1. Little means to provide feedback

2.3.2. How to keep wellness customers coming back?

3. Don't strive to improve

4. Corporate Culture

5. Conflicting segments

5.1. How to make wellness guests loyal?

5.2. Does not make it clear on Website how wellness guests will be undisturbed by families

5.3. Marketing plan shows a list of segments they "target"

6. Physical design

6.1. Lack of bathrobe hooks

6.2. No stools for children to brush teeth

6.3. Balcony chair is not comfortable

6.4. Plugs don't function without key card

7. Personnel structure

7.1. Employees have no say in recruitment

7.2. Lack of training

7.2.1. Insufficient knowledge of ski slopes opening time

7.3. Lack of clear SOP

7.3.1. Dust check

7.3.2. Didn't inform that we have to leave building to get to rooms

8. Lack of employee engagement

9. Don't recognize importance of both family and wellness segment