New Digital Ekonomi

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New Digital Ekonomi by Mind Map: New Digital Ekonomi

1. The Global Platform of the New Economy

1.1. Factory and user data

1.2. cloud strorage and services

1.3. big data analytics

1.4. artificial intellegent

1.5. platform upgrading

1.6. end users

1.7. higher level platform

1.8. core platform

1.9. technology platform

2. 12 Digital Economy Characteristic

2.1. Knowledge

2.1.1. value of the company

2.2. Digitization

2.2.1. process of transformation

2.3. Virtualization

2.3.1. reach potential customers

2.4. Molecularization

2.4.1. survive in the era of digital economy

2.5. Internetworking

2.5.1. activities collaborating

2.6. Disintermediation

2.6.1. transaction between costumers and suppliers

2.7. Convergence

2.7.1. level of capability and quality

2.8. Innovation

2.8.1. concept of learning organization

2.9. Prosumption

2.9.1. boundaries between consumers and producers

2.10. Immediacy

2.10.1. offer product or services

2.11. Globalization

2.11.1. space, time, knowledge

2.12. Discordance

2.12.1. social, culture

3. The technologies underpinning the NDE

3.1. Advanced robotics and factory automation

3.2. internet of things

3.3. cloud computing

3.4. big data analytics

3.5. artificial intelligence

4. Digital Economy in Indonesia

4.1. E-Commerce

4.2. Online Travel

4.3. Online Media

4.4. Ride Hailing

5. Doing Business in the Economy

5.1. internet economy

5.1.1. the internet

5.1.2. intranets

5.1.3. extranets

5.1.4. e-commerce

5.1.5. industry 4.0

5.2. the new economy

5.2.1. platform economy

5.2.2. computers

5.2.3. digital service

5.3. the web economy

5.3.1. hardware

5.3.2. software

5.3.3. information services

5.3.4. telecommunications

6. Business Pressure, Organizational Responses, IT Support

6.1. Three Types of Business Pressures

6.1.1. market the global economy and strong competition the changing nature of the workforce powerful customers

6.1.2. technology technological innovation and obsolescence information overload

6.1.3. societal pressures social responsibility protection against terrorist attack ethical issues

6.2. Organizational Responses

6.2.1. strategic system

6.2.2. customer focus

6.2.3. make-to-order

6.2.4. mass customization

6.2.5. e-business