Urban nature involves...

Basic map of urban ecology

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Urban nature involves... by Mind Map: Urban nature involves...

1. Animals

1.1. Herbivores

1.1.1. squirrels

1.1.2. chipmunks

1.1.3. deer

1.1.4. mice

1.2. Omnivores

1.2.1. rats

1.2.2. raccoons

1.2.3. humans

1.3. Carnivores

1.3.1. coyotes

1.3.2. foxes

1.4. Insects

1.4.1. bees

1.4.2. ants and termites

1.4.3. mosquitoes

1.4.4. beetles

1.5. Birds

1.5.1. pigeons

1.5.2. hawks

1.5.3. swallows

2. Plants

2.1. trees

2.1.1. maple

2.1.2. oak

2.1.3. sycamore

2.1.4. locust

2.2. grasses

2.3. shrubs and flowers

3. Built infrastructure

3.1. roads

3.2. buildings

3.3. canals

3.4. railroads

3.5. bridges

4. Natural areas

4.1. vacant lots

4.1.1. paved

4.1.2. dirt

4.2. parks

4.2.1. public parks

4.2.2. gardens

4.2.3. yards

4.2.4. playgrounds

4.3. rivers, lakes and oceans

5. Fungi & algae

5.1. molds

5.2. mushrooms

5.3. seaweeds