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New France by Mind Map: New France

1. Seigneurial system

1.1. -Control population, give jobs, land, money.

2. Mercantilism

2.1. -gain profit, prioritize exports, minimize imports.

3. Royal government

3.1. -King Louis XIV rules, only stays in France, leads people in N.F.(absolutism)

4. Social classes

4.1. -Nobility>Clergy>Third estate.

5. Changes to the fur trade

5.1. -Company lost fur trade monopoly, coureurs du bois allowed to trade, overproduction caused problems.

6. N.F vs English

6.1. -English war with France, fight over territory, form alliances to attack each other, English gain power.

7. Austrian succession (1744-1748)

7.1. -British capture Louisbourg, good for fishing, big trading post for N.F.

8. Seven year war (1756-1763)

8.1. -Ohio valley fight, priorities change a lot, British succeed way more, British capture Louisbourg, control fishing.

9. Company of 100 associates

9.1. -fur trade monopoly, evangelize, populate.

10. Church

10.1. -evangelize, control, follow king.

11. Territorial expansion

11.1. -increased trade network, evangelization, colonial motivations.

12. Canadiens

12.1. -Adapt clothing, transportation.

13. War league of augsburg (1689-1697)

13.1. -Alliances formed, leads to war against France, French used guerilla warfare, Rijswijk treaty 1697

14. Spanish Succession (1701-1713)

14.1. -N.F. surrenders Acadia, 13 colonies tries invading N.F, treaty utrecht signed 1713.

15. Deportation of Acadia (1755)

15.1. -Many ppl told to leave, shipped different places, separated from family.

16. Battle of Sainte-Foy (1760)

16.1. -French try to capture Quebec, have to wait mother country, British get weapons first, win fight.