Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick Book Report Liliane Khalil Tabetha Carrasco Ty Brandt

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Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick Book Report Liliane Khalil Tabetha Carrasco Ty Brandt by Mind Map: Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick  Book Report     Liliane Khalil  Tabetha Carrasco  Ty Brandt

1. Friendship

1.1. They helped each other

1.1.1. Maxwell was taller and could reach for items and lift Kevin for safety. Kevin saved Max!

1.2. They trusted each other

1.2.1. Kevin would guide Maxwell and Maxwell would actually allow it. Kevin is clever in his plan to save them. They become freak the mighty! They are untouchable and on top of the world.

1.3. They were good for each other

1.3.1. They both found happiness being together. They gave each other sentimental gifts.

2. Acceptance

2.1. Their differences weren't important

2.1.1. They were on top of the world being together

2.2. Relationships grew closer

2.2.1. Gram and Grim learned to see Max

2.3. The school and the students came around

2.3.1. Kevin and Max were in the same class

3. The Victory of Imperfection

3.1. Max and Kevin

3.1.1. Chapter7

3.2. We Long for someone who can complete us.

3.3. What if he's gone

3.4. Make a Difference

3.4.1. Persistence

3.5. Escape from Loneliness

3.6. Freak the Mighty

4. Summery: Freak the Mighty is about two young boys from two very different backgrounds uniting in a fearless friendship. The two boys come together to support one another's hardships, Kevin's disabilities as he is wheelchair bound and Max struggles in his education and being teased for being dumb. The two boys become stronger together, figuratively and physically.

5. Reflection: From Freak the Mighty, we learn about friendship, persistence, and acceptance. We learn about the backgrounds of two very different students coming together to become friends who support one another. It did not matter to the two boys that they came from different cultures and lifestyles. They chose to band together to push through hard times. Take a moment to reflect on a situation you went through a hard time with the help of a friend? Who was your friend? How did they help you to push through your struggle? Did they make a lasting impact on you and how did you change from it?

6. References