The Evolution of Management Thinking

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The Evolution of Management Thinking by Mind Map: The Evolution of Management Thinking

1. Theory X and Y

1.1. Behavioral Sciences Approach

1.1.1. Applies social science in organizational context

1.2. Management Science Perspective

1.2.1. Applies mathematics, statistics, and other quantitative studies

1.3. Systems Theory

1.3.1. System

1.3.2. Open System

1.3.3. Closed System

1.3.4. Synergy

2. The systems View of Organizations

2.1. Subsystems

2.2. Systemic Thinking

2.2.1. Seeing distinct and complex elements of a situation

2.3. Contingency View

2.3.1. Identification of key variations in the situation at hand

3. Contingency View of Management

3.1. Total quality management

3.1.1. Managing the total organization for quality to customers

3.2. Learning Organization

3.2.1. Organization focused on improving and increasing its capability

3.3. Supply Chain Management

3.3.1. Cover all stages of processing

4. Supply Chain For a Retail Organization

4.1. Customer relationship management

4.1.1. Help companies keep in touch with customers

4.2. Outsourcing

4.2.1. Contracting activities to another organization to do the work more cost efficiently

5. Management and Organization

5.1. Social Forces

5.1.1. Values, Needs, Behavior

5.2. Political Forces

5.2.1. Influence of legal institutions on people and organizations

5.3. Economic Forces

5.3.1. Affect availability, production and distribution

6. Management Perspectives Over Time

6.1. Classical Perspectives

6.1.1. Emerged during the nineteenth and twentieth century

6.1.2. Scientific approach to the study of management

6.2. Scientific Management

6.2.1. Subfield of classical management

6.2.2. Used scientific determined changes to improve labor productivity

7. Characteristics of Scientific Management

7.1. Bureaucratic Organizations

7.1.1. Subfield of Classical Management

7.1.2. Separation of management and ownership, formal record-keeping

8. Characteristics of Weberian Bureaucracy

8.1. Administrative Principles

8.1.1. Focuses on the total organization rather tha the individual worker

8.2. Humanistic Perspective

8.2.1. Understanding human behaviour, needs, and attitudes in the workplace

8.3. Humans Relations Movement

8.3.1. Satisfaction of the employee's basic needs as motivation

8.4. Hawthorne Studies

8.4.1. Studies of worker productivity started in 1924 in the Hawthorne Plant