Comparing Pyramids Around World

Josue Nuñez

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Comparing Pyramids Around World by Mind Map: Comparing Pyramids Around World

1. Peru

1.1. Inca Empire

1.2. Tucame Pyramid

2. Australia

2.1. Walsh's Pyramid

3. Spain

3.1. Pyramids of Guimar

4. India

4.1. Modern Pyramid in Pune

5. Ancient Pyramid

6. Modern Pyramids

7. Bosina

7.1. Bosnian Pyramid

8. Egypt

8.1. Great Pyramid of Giza

8.2. The Unknown Pyramid

9. Mexico

9.1. Teotihuacan Pyramid

9.2. Pyramid of the Sun

10. Greece

10.1. Ligourio

10.2. Helleniko

11. France

11.1. Pei Pyramid

12. Dubai

12.1. Soon To be Pyramid