Obesity in Peds & Metobolic syndrome

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Obesity in Peds & Metobolic syndrome by Mind Map: Obesity in Peds & Metobolic syndrome

1. childhood obesity more common in certain populations:

1.1. hispanics>non-hispanic blacks>non-hispanic whites>non-hispanic asians

2. Why worry?

2.1. Peds obesity is of epidemic proportions

2.2. peds obesity is the most common chronic dx of childhood

2.3. the epidemic is worldwide

3. Obesity & Socioeconomic Status

3.1. obesity decreases w/ increasing education of the head of household among children aged 2-19 years

3.2. middle income>lowest income>highest income

4. only 21% 6-9y/o eat 5or> fruits/veggies a day

5. consumption of sugar sweetened drinks increased 500% in past 50years

6. little evidence that metabolic rate is different in obese kids vs not obese kids

7. BMI

7.1. underweight=<5%ile

7.2. healthy weight=5-85%ile

7.3. overweight=85-95%ile

7.4. obese=@ or above 95%ile


7.5.1. BMI interpreted diff. for children and teens even though calculated weight / height squared

8. 60% of overweight kids have 1 or more CVD risk factors

8.1. OBTAIN FASTING LIPID PROFILE and BP on all overweight children

9. ortho conditions

9.1. Blount disease

9.2. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis

10. Psychological & Economic consequences of Ped/Adolescent obesity

10.1. Discrimination,rejection,&low self esteem,particularly females

10.2. Less participation in PE & sports activites

10.3. Difficult to quantitate

10.4. stigmatization

10.5. low self esteem

10.6. depression

10.7. discrimination


11.1. prevention easier than cure

11.2. lifelong weight control

11.3. decrease energy intake

11.4. increase energy expenditure

11.5. must maintain normal growth

11.6. 55%carbs; 30%fat; 15%protein

11.7. physical activity essential for weight loss(physical activity decreases 50% during adolescent-girls>boys)


11.9. surgeries

11.9.1. gastric bypass/gastric plication/gastric banding--- not routine for children

12. Management

12.1. small reduction in cals allows gradual decline in BMI

12.2. weight loss of 0.5-1 kg/week is the goal

12.3. rapid weight loss can lead to electrolyte disturbance

12.4. special diets like protein rich diet not recommended

12.5. GET UP & MOVE

13. association b/w catch-up growth or rapid growth in infancy or early childhood & subsequent obesity

13.1. suggests that mechanisms that signal & regulate catch up growth in postnatal period may play a role in development of obesity????

14. Increasing age=increasing obesity prevalence

15. Etiology of obesity

15.1. genetic/heritability

15.1.1. survival advantage-conserve energy as fat thru human evolution

15.1.2. humans enriched for genes that promote energy intake & storage & minimize expenditure

15.1.3. enhance female fertility & ability to breastfeed offspring

15.2. Molecular

15.2.1. Leptin=regulate fat storage & how many calories one eats & burns "satiety hormone"/"starvation hormone" hormone produced by body's fat cells-primary target is hypothalamus. supposed to tell brain when you have enough fat stored=don't need to eat & can burn cals @normal rate other functions=fertility,immunity,&brain function leptin resistance can cause hunger & reduced the number of cals burned

15.3. syndromes

15.3.1. spina bifida

15.3.2. Down syndrome

15.3.3. Bardet-Biedl

15.3.4. Prader Willi

15.4. environmental


16. nearly 40%kids'diets come from added sugars & unhealthy fats

17. shifts in dietary patterns

17.1. prices higher in healthy foods vs less healthful

17.2. increased portion size

17.3. increased consumption of processed foods/higher in sodium

17.4. increased schools vending & a la carte foods

18. energy intake>energy expenditure

18.1. eating more away from home,more fast food & snacks & drinking more sodas.

18.2. 100cals/day above needs=10lb weight gain/year

18.3. increased sedentary activity

18.3.1. excessive TV watching encourages overeating while viewing 70% KIDS 8-18 & 30% KIDS < 3 Y/O HAVE TVS IN THEIR ROOMS!!!

19. GOAL for obese kids

19.1. reduce rate of weight gain while allowing NORMAL growth and development


21. acute complications that require immediate Med. attn:

21.1. Sleep apnea

21.2. Obesity hypo-ventilation syndrome

22. Obesity Metabolic syndrome:

22.1. clustering of CV risk factors related to insulin resistance

22.2. NOT well defined in Peds

22.2.1. insulin resistance

22.2.2. dyslipidemia

22.2.3. HTN

22.2.4. obesity

22.3. Steatohepatitis

22.3.1. fatty infiltration of the liver

22.3.2. abnormal insulin metabolism

22.3.3. 10% obese teens increased LFTs

22.3.4. can progress to fibrosis & cirrhosis

22.4. Gall bladder disease

22.4.1. increased cholesterol excretion

22.4.2. ~30% of gallstones in children

22.5. oligomenorrhea/amenorrhea, acanthosis nigricans, insulin resistance, obesity, hirsutism, acne, hyperandrogenism

23. Pharmacotherapy

23.1. anti obesity pills not approved for peds

23.2. drug options

23.2.1. appetite suppressants

23.2.2. serotonin agonists

23.2.3. inhibitors of fat absorption

23.2.4. antihyperglycemic agents