ISCI631 Module 3 CIH Approaches

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ISCI631 Module 3 CIH Approaches by Mind Map: ISCI631 Module 3 CIH Approaches

1. Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs

1.1. Philosophy

1.2. Practice

1.3. Research

2. Chiropractic Medicine

2.1. Philosophy

2.2. Practice

2.3. Research

3. Health and Wellness Coaching

3.1. Philosophy

3.2. Practice

3.3. Research

4. Integrative Nutrition

4.1. Philosophy

4.2. Practice

4.3. Research

5. Naturopathy

5.1. Philosophy

5.2. Practice

5.3. Research

6. Massage Therapy

6.1. Philosophy

6.2. Practice

6.3. Research

7. Western Herbal Medicine

7.1. Philosophy

7.2. Practice

7.3. Research

8. Yoga Therapy

8.1. Philosophy

8.2. Practice