Is the elimination of global poverty a realistic aim? Do you agree?

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Is the elimination of global poverty a realistic aim? Do you agree? by Mind Map: Is the elimination of global poverty a realistic aim? Do you agree?

1. The elimination of global poverty is realistic if everyone agrees to the clause, and cooperates to help remove poverty

1.1. For example, if everyone decides to change the world into a Socialistic world, poverty will be eliminated. A socialistic economic system would consist of an organisation of production to directly satisfy economic demands and human needs, so that goods and services will be produced directly for use instead of for private profit.

1.2. A more specific example would be the National Health Service in the UK. It is a publicly funded healthcare system that provides "free" healthcare. The system is actually funded by taxation from UK citizens. This way, everyone will have access to healthcare whether or not they are rich or poor.

1.2.1. If we were able to enlarge the NHS system to cover a greater scale (not just healthcare), then everyone will have equal privileges, thus eradicating poverty.

1.2.2. Rebuttal: However, in the actual world, there are many people (usually the more affluent people) that disagree with this system, because they feel they should have more privileges due to their wealth. SX: and they feel that it is not their responsibility to help the poor

2. Conclusion

3. Poverty cannot be fully eliminated, but it can be mitigated with the efforts of governments all around the world who continue to champion the cause of fighting poverty.

4. Anti thesis

5. Anti thesis

6. Thesis

6.1. Individuals have innate selfishness which hindered our progress in eliminating global poverty. As we are intricately self-centred beings, we adopt a blase attitude to those suffering around us and essentially we are the only one that is important.

6.2. This is evident when developed countries are striving tenaciously to improve their economy at the expense of the undeveloped countries, feigning nonchalance to their current poverty state.

6.3. While many countries sign the petition to reduce global poverty by 50% by 2015, it may not be deemed realistic as we are driven by endless greed for a better standard of living and better material wealth. Governments may even lose votes if they were to channel the country resources to improve global poverty as these resources may be better utilised to benefit the citizens instead. Thus some governments may not actively take part as they find it not worth to sacrifice popularity for world benefit.

6.3.1. SX: what about other ocuntries who did not sign the petition?

6.4. However, there are individuals that are strong advocates of such humanitarianism to eradicate global poverty. Moreover, they stand out to help the poverty through encouraging people worldwide to sign petition to force UN to make certain actions.

7. Introduction

7.1. Define poverty: People who survive on under US1 dollar per day; lack of permanent residence.

7.2. Define realistic aim: achievable with current resources available.

7.3. Elimination of global poverty refers to complete removal of worldwide poverty which is not possible in reality as there is always an income hierachy due to unequal income distribution.

7.3.1. SX: income hierachy =/= poverty, unless its relative poverty.

7.4. Take a stand: no its unrealistic

8. Thesis

8.1. Vicious cycle: Parents lack skills to have a stable job and earn stable income, thus children are forced to do menial work since young age to increase income, thus, they are unable to go to school where they can acquire the necessary skills to secure a job with decent income. Thus, when they follow in parent's footsteps and when they grow up and have kids, the cycle repeats.

8.1.1. Even if parents lacking financial stability send children to school, they will not do as well as those from wealthier familiers. In Singapore, 80% of population stay in HDB, but only 47& of people who are awards the prestigious Public Service Commission Scholarships live in HDB

9. Thesis

9.1. Although developed countries tend to help countries with high poverty rate, developed countries' policies ultimately aim to benefit itself.

9.1.1. Example: situation between USA and Africa, USA provides US$16 billion in aids to Africa yearly. However, when Africa tried to export agricultural products to USA to increase income of farmers, USA raise protectionist barriers to protect their own farmers, this cost Africa an estimated US$50 billion.

10. Thesis

10.1. The transport costs would be sky high!

10.1.1. For developed countries to transport foodstuff to poorer regions, say USA to Central Africa, a huge sum of money is needed to fly the goods over, a few million dollars per trip. Furthermore, the developing nations do not stand to gain anything as they are donating their food over, hence no one would want to cover the expensive cost of transport.

11. Thesis

11.1. Poor organisation of labour indirectly brings about poverty

11.1.1. This is due to the fact that the surplus product of the poor, explained as the product of their labour exceeding that which is required for self subsistence, is appropriated by the organisers of labour. Without a credible system of human rights, societies invariably compromise the poor. Poor is thus inevitable.