84 Productivity Killers and How to Avoid Them
by Danny Forest
1. Using a Computer
1.1. Using menus when you can use keyboard shortcuts
1.2. Not setting your mouse at max speed
1.3. Not watching instructional videos at 2x
1.4. Searching for files and apps with your eyes instead of the search function
1.5. Typing with 2 fingers
1.6. Typing while looking at your keyboard
1.7. Not taking advantage of auto-suggestions
1.8. Working for software instead of making it work for you
1.9. A slow internet connection
1.10. Buying a subpar computer to save money
1.11. Waiting on a loading screen
1.12. Typing on your cellphone when you can type on your computer
2. At Work
2.1. Spending too much time at the water cooler or coffee machine
2.2. Going to meetings that have nothing to do with you
2.3. Going to meetings that don’t have an agenda
2.4. Not standing up and stretching your legs
2.5. Working on your hardest problems when you’re sleepy
2.6. Working for a company that frowns upon taking naps
2.7. Starting the day without knowing what you’re going to do
2.8. Allowing tap-on-the-shoulder interruptions
2.9. Not taking the time to adjust your chair and posture properly
2.10. Eating out every day
2.11. Living really far from where you work
2.12. Over-snacking
3. Going Somewhere
3.1. Walking slowly
3.2. Waiting at traffic lights when you can take an alternative route
3.3. Not Jay-walking
3.4. Not finding and taking diagonals on your path
3.5. Going in circles when looking for things
3.6. Waiting in line when you don’t need to
3.7. Waiting 10 minutes for your Uber or cab when it takes you 10 minutes to walk it anyway
3.8. Waiting at the drive-through
3.9. Driving during rush hour
3.10. Commuting during rush hour
3.11. Waiting for the elevator when you’re just going up or down the third floor
3.12. Not doing something during your commute
4. While Shopping
4.1. Not using self-checkout
4.2. Going to the store without a plan or list
4.3. Going to the groceries when you’re hungry
4.4. Going in person when you can buy online and get it delivered to you
4.5. Not using contactless payment
4.6. Wait in the shortest line, not realizing that people in front have massive shopping carts
4.7. Not using express checkout lines when you can
4.8. Going to a further away store to save pennies
4.9. Going in line with people you know will count their pennies at the checkout
4.10. Finding the absolute closest parking spot
4.11. Not using the divide-and-conquer method when going with someone
4.12. Waiting for someone to move away from the middle of the aisle
5. At Home
5.1. Taking long showers just because it feels good
5.2. Placing things in illogical places
5.3. Having a TV in front of a couch
5.4. Cooking bad food
5.5. Snoozing
5.6. Not getting the kid next door to mow the lawn
5.7. Not getting the kid next door to shovel the snow
5.8. Not cooking extras for leftovers
5.9. Not using tools to make your cooking faster
5.10. Waiting next to the coffee machine while it brews
5.11. Cleaning too frequently
5.12. Taking the trash out when it’s not full (unless it smells…)
6. In School/Learning
6.1. Going to school for a piece of paper
6.2. Studying for tests
6.3. Studying by yourself
6.4. Not changing your studying environment
6.5. Not recalling what you previously learned
6.6. Not implementing what you learned
6.7. Not seeking a tutor or mentor when you don’t understand
6.8. Taking elective classes because they are easy
6.9. Doing a master’s when you have no clue what you want to do in life
6.10. Doing what you went to school for even if you lost your “passion”
6.11. Going back to school because you are bored
6.12. Going to school because it’s what society tells you to
7. In Life
7.1. Not learning something new every day
7.2. Not knowing your why
7.3. Doing something efficiently that shouldn’t be done at all
7.4. Not acting on things you read
7.5. Not delegating things other people would do faster and better
7.6. Not taking a damn break
7.7. Not connecting with other people
7.8. Not listening to other people’s constructive feedback
7.9. Not taking care of your health
7.10. Only thinking about yourself
7.11. Reading this article and doing nothing about it