ASG (Auto Scaling Groups)

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ASG (Auto Scaling Groups) by Mind Map: ASG (Auto Scaling Groups)

1. Free of Cost

2. Attributes

2.1. Launch Configuration

2.1.1. AMI + Instance Type assigned to EC2

2.1.2. EC2 User Data

2.1.3. EBS Volumes

2.1.4. Security Groups

2.1.5. SSH Key Pair

2.2. min/max size, initial capacity

2.3. Network + Subnets Info

2.4. LB Information

2.5. Scaling Policies

2.5.1. Rules avg cpu usage requests on ELB per instance Average in Network in/out

2.5.2. Auto scaling Alarms (Cloud Watch)

2.5.3. Custom Metric send to cloud watch - create alarm - use in policy

3. Why

3.1. Scale out

3.1.1. register EC2 to LB

3.2. scale in