Text Comprehension Questions

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Text Comprehension Questions by Mind Map: Text Comprehension Questions

1. Questions After Reading

1.1. What is the meaning of what I have read?

1.2. Why did the author end the paragraph (or chapter, or book) in this way?

1.3. What was the author's purpose in writing this?

1.4. Which of my predictions were right?

1.5. What were the main ideas?

1.6. What connections can I make to the text?

2. Questions before Reading

2.1. What is the story about?

2.2. What does the main character want?

2.3. Will he/she get it?

2.3.1. If so, how?

2.4. What clues does the title give me about the story?

2.5. What do I already know about .........?

2.6. What predictions can I make?

3. Questions during Reading

3.1. What do I understand from what I just read?

3.2. What is the main idea?

3.3. What picture is the author painting in my head?

3.4. Do I need to reread so that I understand?