History of the Money

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History of the Money by Mind Map: History of the Money

1. Paper money

1.1. Represent metal money

1.2. Link its value to gold

2. Controlling money

2.1. Under the control of the chief

2.2. Banking was born

3. Money and inflation

3.1. Too much money, not much goods= inflation

4. Money and building banks

4.1. Respectable businesses

4.2. Fractional reserve banking

4.2.1. Borrow more money than they had

5. Power of money

5.1. Consume more than can produce

5.1.1. Trust in dollars

6. Early money

6.1. 1st use of tailles in exchange

6.1.1. Payments

6.1.2. Owned money

6.1.3. Rulers Taxes

6.1.4. IOU Global trade Debts Retainable money

7. Metal money

7.1. King’s idea

7.1.1. Cheap metals for more money Durable Portable Divisible Legitimized

8. International money

8.1. Advantage on colonies

8.2. Creation of dollar

9. Money and saving banks

9.1. Money inside banks

9.1.1. liability

9.2. Money outside banks

9.2.1. Bonds no liability

10. Future money

10.1. Credit card and digital money

10.2. Same problem as others