The Title - What is the name of the idiom? "Draw a snake and add on feet"by Maggie using Mindmeister
1. The characters - Who?
1.1. First worker (the main character), the second worker, and other workers
2. The setting - Where? What?
2.1. A temple in the kingdom of Chu. A temple caretaker gave the workers a pitcher of wine.
3. The problem - What happened?
3.1. There was not enough wine for all workers.
4. The moral - What have you learned from the story?
4.1. Doing extra after completing a task may not be a good thing.
5. The solution What did they do?
5.1. They had a game to draw a snake. Whoever is finished first would get the wine. The first worker finished added feet to the snake. But the second worker won the wine because "Snake don't have feet!"