Dinner Party Challenge

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Dinner Party Challenge by Mind Map: Dinner Party Challenge

1. Decorations

1.1. purchase maroon table cloths

1.2. purchase gold table decorations

1.3. purchase lights

1.4. purchase maroon and gold balloons

2. Invitations

2.1. purchase invitations

2.2. use computer system to type up invitations

2.3. Send out invitations by Februrary 8, 2020

3. Music

3.1. Find a DJ

4. Preparation

4.1. Get final details from Amanda

4.1.1. Total number of people attending event

4.1.2. How much more is Amanda willing to spend on an extra special purchase for event

5. Important People

5.1. Sponsor

5.1.1. Amanda the admin

5.2. Stakeholders

5.2.1. 12 fulls time faculty members

5.2.2. 2 new faculty members

5.2.3. 5 adjunct instructors

5.2.4. 3 admins

5.2.5. Project manager

6. Plan B

6.1. Food

6.1.1. Everyone bring own dish if caterer is unavaliable

6.2. Music

6.2.1. Rent a speaker and play music form someones phone if DJ is unavailable

6.3. Room setup

6.3.1. rent tables and chairs if they are unavailable

6.3.2. rent microphone if one is not available

6.4. Budget

6.4.1. Can't stay in Amandas budget of $500

7. Entertainment

7.1. President Wright to speak at event

7.2. Department head of information system speak and welcome new employees

7.3. Maybe get the Mayor of Salisbury to speak about Salisbury

8. Food

8.1. Schedule Caterer

8.2. Finalize what will be for dinner

8.3. Get desert

8.3.1. cake

8.3.2. multiple deserts

9. Drinks

9.1. Purchase sodas

9.1.1. Diet and regular

9.2. Purchase tea

9.3. Get water

9.4. Purchase alcohol?

9.4.1. Acquire permit if needed?

9.5. Make punch

10. Room Setup

10.1. Set up tables

10.2. Set up chairs

10.3. Set up speakers

10.4. Set up microphones

10.4.1. do a sound check and make sure they work

10.5. Decorate room with decorations

10.6. Set out food

10.6.1. set up dinner first then desert

10.7. Set out drinks

11. Event

11.1. In SU conference room

11.2. Saturday, February 15, 2020

11.3. 6pm-10pm

11.4. SU theme

12. People Contributing

12.1. Head of Department - Cindy

12.1.1. $0 extra

12.1.2. Reviewer of project/finances

12.2. Admin - Amanda

12.2.1. $0 Extra

12.2.2. access to emails to send out invitations

12.2.3. access to conference room where event is held

12.2.4. Lock Up after event

12.3. Project Team - Erica, Gillian, Josh

12.3.1. set up event

12.3.2. pre-planning (ordering)

12.3.3. Clean Up

12.3.4. $0 extra - required for class

12.4. Food and Drink Staff- Joe

12.4.1. Caterer

12.4.2. Waiter(s)

12.4.3. Price included in food cost

12.4.4. $550

12.5. Music Staff- Bella

12.5.1. Live music from an SU student

12.5.2. Extra credit for music class