SU Dinner Party

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SU Dinner Party by Mind Map: SU Dinner Party

1. Design Layout

1.1. Place a table on the back wall to house the beverages

1.2. Hang a large Maryland flag above the beverage table

1.3. Cover the conference table in local news articles about SU and Maryland

1.4. Place a speaker in two corners of the room (having them play soft music throughout dinner)

1.4.1. The music should come from artist that grew up on the Eastern Shore

2. Invitation cards

2.1. Invitations should be sent to all attending members

2.2. They should be sent out a week in advances

2.3. Invitation cards should be have a Maryland crab on the front

2.3.1. The wording on the crab should say "You have been invited to night on the shore"

2.3.2. Inside should house all of the information regarding the event Location Time Dress

3. Deliverables

3.1. Crabs

3.2. Fried Chicken

3.3. Green Beans

3.4. Corn

3.5. Salad

3.6. Beer

3.7. Wine

3.8. Water

3.9. Unsweet-Tea

3.10. Coke

3.11. Sprite

3.12. Local Music

3.13. Local Memorobelia

3.14. Strong Employee Relations

3.15. A good look at life on the Eastern Shore

4. Tasks

4.1. Budget Approval

4.2. Party Approval

4.3. Order Food, Drinks, and Decorations

4.4. Set-up local music playlist

4.5. Set-up speakers

4.6. Set-up Beverage Table

4.7. Set-up Dining Table

4.8. Create invitation cards

4.9. Send invitation cards

4.10. Set-up Decorations

4.11. Clean-up after party

5. Decorations

5.1. Salisbury University Memorobelia

5.2. Maryland Flag

5.3. Posters About Life on the Shore

6. New Member Gifts

6.1. A tin of old bay

7. Provide/Purchase

7.1. Speakers (Music)

7.2. Local News Articles

7.3. Maryland Flag

7.4. Ice

7.5. Beverages

7.5.1. Beer

7.5.2. Wine

7.5.3. Coke

7.5.4. Sprite

7.5.5. Water

7.5.6. Unsweet-Tea

7.6. Food

7.6.1. 4 Bushels Steamed Crabs

7.6.2. Fried Chicken

7.6.3. Green beans

7.6.4. Salad

7.6.5. Corn

7.6.6. Macaroni and Cheese

7.7. SU and Salisbury Memorabilia

7.8. Old Bay

7.9. Dining Supplies

7.9.1. Plates

7.9.2. Bowls

7.9.3. Forks

7.9.4. Kinfes

7.9.5. Crab Hsmmers

7.9.6. Paper Towels

7.9.7. Cups

8. Team

8.1. Mason

8.1.1. Project Manager

8.2. Thomas

8.2.1. Project Manager

8.3. Thaddeus

8.3.1. Student Workers Server Paid with service hours

8.4. George

8.4.1. Student Workers Server Paid with service hours

8.5. Edward

8.5.1. Seller at crab company

8.6. Frank

8.6.1. Leader of SU Catering

8.7. $700

8.8. 1 Week