Plumbing Blog

Short guideline how to write an interesting blog post

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Plumbing Blog by Mind Map: Plumbing Blog

1. 4. Create an end

1.1. Leave it open

1.2. Ask your readers a question

1.3. Short summary, KISS (= Keep it simple and stupid)

1.4. Tell your opinion

2. 5. Decorate

2.1. Add a picture

2.1.1. Makes content easier to read

2.1.2. Add an eyecatcher

2.2. Add Video

3. 1. Create a title

3.1. Should be catchy

3.2. Should make your readers get curious

3.3. Short, precise

3.4. Include Good Keyword

3.4.1. Keyword must have search activity

3.5. "Top 5 Plumbing Marketing Mistakes"

4. 2. Language

4.1. Talk to your readers, make conversation

4.2. Use bullet points and or numbering

4.3. Quick short paragraphs

5. 3. Content - Article To Be Written

5.1. Best Plumbing Franchise

5.1.1. Data Points

5.2. 1800 Plumbing

5.2.1. Featured Plumbing Service

5.3. Top 10 Most Influential Plumbing Companies on Twitter

5.4. Write a review on this book (affiliate link)


5.5. Best Plumbing Software To Run Your Business

5.5.1. Compare the top 5 plumbing software

5.6. Plumbing trending news stories

5.7. Plumbing marketing advise and tips

5.8. Plumbing companies doing interesting stuff