SHHW Act, 2005

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SHHW Act, 2005 by Mind Map: SHHW Act, 2005

1. Part 1: preliminary and general

2. Part 5: the authority

3. Part 7: offences and penalties

4. Schedules 1.) Statutory provisions 2.) Enactments 3.) General principles of prevention 4.) Safety committees 5.) The authority 6.) The chief executive 7.) Regulations

5. Part 3: protective and preventive measures 1.)hazard identification 2.) risk assessment, 3.) safety statement, 4.) health surveillance.

6. Part 4: safety representative and safety consultation

7. Part 6: Regulations, codes of practice and enforcement

8. Part 8: miscellaneous • licensing, • customs officer powers, • national standards act 1996

9. Part 2: general duties 1.) Employer 2.) Employee 3.) Other persons e.g. designers, manufacturers, suppliers, etc