Psychoactive Drugs

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Psychoactive Drugs by Mind Map: Psychoactive Drugs

1. Street Names

1.1. heroin

1.1.1. Tar, Black, Boy, Mud, Smack, Dope

1.2. ecstasy

1.3. cocaine

1.3.1. booga suga bluff

1.3.2. crack

1.4. Marijuana, pot, weed, gas, ganja, boof, kush

1.5. LSD, acid

1.6. Molly

1.7. shrooms

1.8. xanax

1.9. Bars

1.10. perc 30 - dat juice wrld

2. Who prescribes?

2.1. Opioid manufacturers pay doctors a lot of money to prescribe people

2.2. physicians

2.3. doctors

3. Meaning/Definition

3.1. affects the central nervous system

3.2. drugs that can change the consciousness, mood, and thoughts of its users

3.3. causes alterations in mood, consciousness, cognition or behavior

3.4. Psychoactive drugs are substances that can change the consciousness, mood, and thoughts of those who take them

4. Types

4.1. Depressants

4.1.1. Alcohol

4.1.2. Sleeping Pills

4.2. Stimulants

4.2.1. Nicotine

4.2.2. Ecstasy

4.2.3. caffeine

4.2.4. adderall

4.3. Opioids

4.3.1. pain medications Xanax adderals

4.4. Legal highs

4.4.1. .

4.5. Hallucinogens

4.5.1. LSD

4.5.2. Ketamine

4.5.3. Mescaline

4.6. Heroin

4.6.1. White Powder

4.6.2. Black tar

4.6.3. Brown Tar

4.7. benzodiazepines

4.8. perc 30