Life Plan

Plan your life and the next important steps and goals to proceed with a happy life

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Life Plan by Mind Map: Life Plan

1. Career

1.1. How can I advance my career?

1.2. Goal

1.3. Goal

1.4. Goal

2. Hobbies

2.1. What new hobbies would I enjoy?

2.2. Goal

2.3. Goal

2.4. Goal

3. Friends

3.1. How can I spend more quality time with close friends?

3.2. Goal

3.3. Goal

3.4. Goal

4. Business

4.1. What are my business goals?

4.2. Goal

4.3. Goal

4.4. Goal

5. Family

5.1. How can I spend more quality time with the family?

5.2. Goal

5.3. Goal

5.4. Goal

6. Health

6.1. What can I do to improve my overall health?

6.2. Goal

6.3. Goal

6.4. Goal