Active Learning (AL)
by Christian Smeltzer
1. Further Research
1.1. Applications for higher ED
1.2. Teacher attributes to determine success of AL
1.3. Skill transfer from AL to real world
1.4. Applications in Standards based environment
1.5. Affects of cross cultural collaboration
2. Attributes
2.1. Conectivist Framework
2.2. Authentic experiences
2.3. Social Engagement
2.4. Collaboration
2.5. Guided by Technology
2.6. Enhanced by Technology
2.7. Experiencial learning
2.8. Flexible
3. Integration Models
3.1. curriculum-based
3.2. activities-based
3.3. standards-based
3.4. media-based
4. Alternative Terminalolgy for AL
4.1. virtual/electronic field trips
4.2. adventure-education
4.3. outdoor education
4.4. online expeditions
5. Notable Examples
5.1. GoNorth!
5.2. the Jason Project
5.3. The World of Wonders
5.4. Blue Zones
5.5. Expedschools
5.6. eField Trips