My Personal Learning Network

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My Personal Learning Network by Mind Map: My Personal Learning Network

1. Music

1.1. Musicians on Twitter

1.2. YouTube music videos

1.3. Guitar chrords

1.4. Mp3s

1.5. Concerts

1.6. Fellow fans

1.6.1. Twitter

1.6.2. Facebook

1.6.3. PinoyExchange

2. TV Shows

2.1. Bones

2.2. Chuck

2.3. The Vampire Diaries

2.4. Castle

2.5. Criminal Minds

3. School

3.1. DLSU

3.1.1. Classmates Friends Acquainances

3.1.2. Professors

4. Current Events

4.1. News

4.1.1. TV

4.1.2. Internet

5. Books

5.1. Fiction Books

5.2. Authors on twitter