AWS Pricing - White Paper

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AWS Pricing - White Paper by Mind Map: AWS Pricing - White Paper

1. Philosophy

1.1. pay as you go

1.2. pay for what you use

1.3. pay less as you use more

1.4. pay even less when you reserve capacity

2. Capex vs Opex

2.1. Capex - Capital Expenditure which where you pay up front. it is a fixed, sunk cost. Such as physical server, etc.

2.2. Opex stands for Operational Expenditure which where you pay for what you use. Such as gas, water, electricity, etc.

3. Pricing policies

3.1. Understand the fundamentals of pricing

3.1.1. Compute

3.1.2. Storage

3.1.3. Data outbound - data leave aws

3.2. Start early with cost optimization

3.3. Maximize the power of flexibility

3.4. Use the right pricing model for the job

3.4.1. On Demand

3.4.2. Dedicated Instances

3.4.3. Spot Instances

3.4.4. Reservations

4. Free Services (?)

4.1. pay-as-you-go and no minimum fees and no upfront payment

4.2. Amazon VPC

4.2.1. It's a virtual data center in the cloud

4.3. Eastic Beanstalk

4.3.1. The instance provisioned by Beanstalk might not free

4.4. CloudFormation

4.5. Identity Access Management (IAM)

4.6. Auto Sclaing

4.7. Opsworks

4.8. Consolidated Billing

5. What determines Price

5.1. Clock Hours of server time

5.2. Instance type

5.3. Pricing model

5.4. Number of instances

5.5. Load balancing

5.6. Detailed monitoring

5.6.1. this can drive price

5.7. Auto Scaling

5.8. Elastic IP Addresses

5.9. Operating Systems and Software Packages

6. EC2 Pricing Model

6.1. On Demand

6.2. Reserved

6.3. Spot

6.4. Dedicated Hosts

6.4.1. Physical EC2 server

7. Lambda Pricing

7.1. serverless way doing compute

7.2. paying for execution time

7.3. Request Pricing

7.3.1. Free tier: 1 million requests per month

7.3.2. $0.20 per 1 million requests thereafter

7.4. Duration Pricing

7.4.1. How long your lambda function's executing for

7.4.2. 400,000 GB-seconds per month free, up to 3.2 million seconds

7.5. Additional charges

7.5.1. lambda use other aws service, such as read and write to S3

8. S3 Pricing

8.1. Storage Class (standard or IA or 1 AZ IA etc)

8.2. Storage

8.3. Requests (GET, PUT, COPY)

8.4. Data transfer

9. Database pricing

9.1. Volumes (per GB)

9.2. Snapshots (per GB)

9.3. Data transfer

10. Glacier

10.1. Storage

10.2. Data retrieve time

11. Snowball

11.1. Service fee per job

11.1.1. snowball 50 TB: $200

11.1.2. snowball 80 TB: $250

11.2. Daily Charge

11.2.1. First 10 days are free, after that it's $15 a day

11.3. Data Transfer

11.3.1. Data transfer in to S3 is free, data transfer out is not

12. RDS

12.1. Clock hours of server time

12.2. Database characteristics

12.3. Database purchase type

12.4. Number of DB instances

12.5. Provisioned storage

13. DynamoDB

14. CloudFront

14.1. Data transfer out