Theorectical Perspectives

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Theorectical Perspectives by Mind Map: Theorectical  Perspectives

1. B. F. Skinner

2. Classroom activity would be something simple as learning another language. Child would learn to say Hello/ bye.

3. Children are born with an innate capacity for learning human language. Humans are destined to speak. Children discover the grammar of their language based on their own inborn grammar. Certain aspects of language structure seem to be preordained by the cognitive structure of the human mind. Some innate feature of the mind must be responsible for the universally rapid and natural acquisition of language by any young child exposed to speech. Chomsky believed syntactic structures are inborn and only the words are learned. An infant can acquire any language with little difficulties.

4. Behaviorist Perspective

4.1. B.F. Skinner Children learn when provided with the appropriate blend of stimuli, rewards, negative reinforcement, and punishments. Especially with small children and simpler tasks, behavioral principles are often effective. In a structured environment, the classroom children are lead by teacher directed learning. The teacher can have an activity of teaching one on one correspondence for example they can match the teddy bears by size and color (patterns).

5. Nativist Perspective

5.1. Noam Chomsky

6. Piaget believed that children developed through their own activities, Children first become aware of language concept, at an early age, and then they acquire the words and patterns to convey language competencies. Piaget believed in hands-on activities, an activity would be to scaffold children in to letting them manipulate play dough, shaving cream, for texture, feel, and smell. These activities would engage the children in conversation and building their vocabulary.

6.1. New node

7. This would be done by asking open-ended questions about what you observed the child they are doing and they are able to describe what they observed. Having a conversation with the child. Turn taking meaningful conversation that will help them think outside the box.

8. Vygotsky insisted that the child functioned in a world in which the child was surrounded by adults who would comment and help the child in their tasks. (Vygotsky) He believed that through communicating with the child the child was able to understand and communicate with adults and seek the meanings of things said through social interactions.

9. Cognitive Developmentalist

9.1. Jean Piaget

10. Interactionist Perspective