Civic Leadership

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Civic Leadership by Mind Map: Civic Leadership

1. Community service

1.1. Volunteering

1.2. Goes to community events

1.3. Helping hand

2. motivated

2.1. Hard working

2.2. Stops at nothing

3. Inspiring

3.1. Able to inspire others

3.2. Gets peoples attention

4. Optimistic

4.1. Looks at the bright side

4.2. Hopeful

5. Patient

5.1. Able to listen and teach people with patience

6. Listening

6.1. Empathetic

6.2. Wants to hear peoples stories

7. Welcoming to others

7.1. Inclusive

7.2. Wants to hear other point of views

8. Working together

8.1. Collective impact

9. Creating a change

9.1. Actively seeking out ways to make a impact

10. Creative

10.1. Think outside the box