Digital Technologies

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Digital Technologies by Mind Map: Digital Technologies

1. Out Put /Head Phones

1.1. Allows student to work independently

1.2. Address Auditory learners

2. Out put/Projector (In Focus Machine)

2.1. Projects computer screen

2.2. Address visual Learners

2.3. Address Auditory Learners

2.4. Allow student interaction

3. Input/Interactive White Board

3.1. Capture pictures in digital form with varying resolutions

3.2. Address Visual learners

3.3. Displays and save or print projected information for future reference

3.4. Allows teachers and student to work interactively with the class

4. Input/Touch Screen

4.1. Receive input by being touchin the screan at relevant points on the monitor screen

4.2. Address Visual Learners

4.3. Allow student interaction