People First Training: Administrative Module

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People First Training: Administrative Module by Mind Map: People First Training:     Administrative Module

1. 4) Tracking Tools

1.1. Burn Rate Chart

1.2. Visuals

1.3. Personnel Locator

1.4. Expense Reporting

1.5. Receipt Uploading/Tracking

1.6. COGNOS Database

1.7. Biannual Distributions

1.8. Card Loading

2. 5) Other People First Champ

2.1. Around the Room Discussions

2.2. Event Selection Framework

2.3. Event Sharing

2.4. Challenges

2.5. Defining and Understanding Best Practices

3. 6) New Contracts

3.1. Personnel/Contract Triage

3.2. # of Personnel

3.3. Geographic Factors

3.4. Demographics

3.5. Maintaining Program Purpose and Atmosphere

3.6. Identifying New Leaders/Change of Champ

3.7. Addressing Non-participants

4. 1) Finances

4.1. $ Per Person

4.2. Average Event Cost

4.3. High Value Events for Low $

4.4. Non-ERC Employees

4.4.1. Subcontractors

4.5. Management Reserve

4.6. Budget Size/Philosophy

5. 3) Branding

5.1. Logo

5.2. Apparel

5.3. SWAG

5.4. Recruiting

5.5. Social Media

6. 2) Organizational Structure

6.1. Size Matters

6.2. Coordinators

6.3. Champions

6.4. Employees

6.5. PM's/Supervisors