Hurricane Katrina: Government not so Successful 4A

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Hurricane Katrina: Government not so Successful 4A by Mind Map: Hurricane Katrina: Government not so Successful 4A

1. Before

1.1. Traffic/Backed up roads for evacuation.

1.1.1. Not enough of a heads up

1.2. Didn't build good enough levees

1.3. Evacuation

1.4. Not everyone evacuated

2. During

2.1. no immediate support

2.2. Starvation

3. After

3.1. not providing repairs

3.2. lousy road home project

3.3. not haveing or preping enough money to give out to the pepole

3.4. They gave money to private corporations to help fix homes yet they took all of the money for themselves.

3.5. Rebuilding homes

3.6. Starvation

3.7. giving equal opportunity of repair cost

3.8. Embezzlement of funds

3.9. Didn't do what they said they were going to do to help citizens