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1. A company is born from an identification of a need that becomes a business opportunity

2. You need third parties to develop your products or services

3. offer goods and services to meet the demands identified in the environment

4. handles costs and budgets

5. generate profits

6. To create a good company that is successful, companies must answer daily questions

6.1. what to produce?

6.2. how much to produce?

6.3. goods or services?

6.4. What can be produced on its own and that should be outsourced?

6.5. What production techniques should be used?

6.6. how to structure the management and the organization

7. the company needs to be in the market

7.1. a physical or virtual place that allows the exchange of goods or services between seller and buyers

7.2. there are different types of market

7.2.1. monopoly It is a company that offers a product or service and has enough power to prevent the entry of other companies that offer the same

7.2.2. oligopoly they are such large companies that influence the market price and where the behavior of one company depends largely on the behavior of another

8. companies are classified according to their size

8.1. microenterprise

8.1.1. Small company of about ten workers

8.2. small and medium businesses

8.2.1. small and medium businesses

8.3. according to legal form

8.3.1. individual company

8.3.2. company in society

8.4. according to economic activity

8.4.1. primary sector extraction and obtaining of raw materials

8.4.2. secondary sector transform raw material into products

8.5. according to its scope of action

8.5.1. local company companies that have their facilities and their commercial performance in a specific locality

8.5.2. regional company its development occurs in a specific region

8.5.3. National company company that performs nationwide

8.5.4. multinational company offers its products and services internationally reaching great growth

8.6. third sector

8.6.1. offer services

8.7. offers its products and services internationally reaching great growth

8.7.1. private

8.7.2. public company

9. Companies face different situations every day

9.1. como la teoria de producci

9.1.1. such as the decisions made from quantities produced and costs to maximize profits by optimizing resources

9.2. restrictions

9.2.1. market restrictions conditions under which you acquire the material for your product and sale of it

9.2.2. technological restriction technology can restrict its actions in the medium term, it must be used efficiently

9.3. production function

9.3.1. It is the level of efficient production of a company related to certain technology factors

9.3.2. it is given by a mathematical operation Q=F(K,L) where Q=production level, in units of product per unit of time F=capital per unit of time L=amount of work depending on these operations, the marginal product is obtained that comes out of the increase of one of the production variations depending on these operations, the marginal product is obtained that comes out of the increase of one of the production variations Q=F(K,L) where