How to Mindmeister Account

Mindmeister Account Set_Up : [How to]...

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How to Mindmeister Account por Mind Map: How to Mindmeister Account

1. U may b here for this...

2. Spaghetti thoughts...

2.1. .

3. The Crux

3.1. The Crux

3.1.1. The Crux The Crux The Crux

4. Blue Iris Flower Ultra HD Desktop Background Wallpaper for 4K UHD TV : Tablet : Smartphone

5. If u have to create one of this account in order to communicate with this site, guys -- Pardel, Kamberos & Feral -- be patient; it is a bit tricky to set up...

5.1. With email address & password, u r in...

5.1.1. Then u start fucking with the little thingees -- DIALOG_BOX -- kinda interesting that produces OFFSPRING via TAB button... Then u r given a set (2) of strange looking [URL]'s -- write them down; IMPORTANT... ( ) forgot where & when; jot them down & remind ( )... [URL_#1] Example: that is the address for scribbling site... [URL_#2] Example: that is for uploading site...

6. Guys, where u at?

7. Q: If ( ) don't publish, does that mean ( ) invited friends can't c it either?

7.1. So chat here for something u don't feel so darn 'private' about...

7.1.1. Those 'Secrets' could be left to emails...

7.1.2. But all ( ) emails r hacked...

7.1.3. So there is no privacy whichever direction u look at...

7.1.4. Get used to it...

7.1.5. If ( ) can, so can u...

8. Pardel, Kamberos, Feral

8.1. U guys can no longer contact ( ); Jesus muchas mad~

8.2. [20FEB2020THU0521UTC]

9. Guys, this is an experiment to c if INTRA_MINDMEISTER_POST uploads...

9.1. Do u guys notice, the [URL_#2] has METAMORPHED -- no more [users/Channel/###########] deal~

9.1.1.,1,2,3,4,6,8,10 Guys, wrong images r uploading... Click to c real images...

9.2. .

9.3. It does!

9.3.1. Wait, what happened to that? ( ) go get one [URL] from different account... Hold on~ Okay, here we go... We r gonna experiment two(2) ways: [1] A single post/file/document: ['Msgs'] from the site [Paran_Nancho]... [2] Followed by an entire [Channel] of the [Paran_Nancho] site with two(2) posts/file/documents...

9.3.2. [Strikingly] once had this problem, but they fixed it since...,1,2,3,4,6,8,10 The article says, 'Rosetta finds molecular oxygen on [Comet_67P](Update)'...

9.3.3. .

9.4. & [Auto_Exporting] of imbedded post/file/article happening...

9.4.1. No, it was an ILLUSION meant to b a reminder...

9.5. .

9.6. [23FEB2020SUN0802UTC] MINDMEISTER guys/gals figured out the way to SIMPLIFY the [Account_Set_Up] via 'bypassing' the 'Channel' -- [URL_#2]… All u have to do to PUBLISH u'r post/file/document is to ADD the TITLE at the end of the [URL_#1] & hit carriage_return -- Voila~

9.6.1. Feeling desperate? Ask [Shopenhauer~

9.6.2. Ian_Saph This post/file/document now exist in two(2) different sites: [1][Paran_Nancho] : LEFT & [2][Paran_Nancho_II] : RIGHT The difference r the accounts' sign_in [email_addresses]; they r different: [1][Gmail] [2][Outlook] [Gamil]/[Google] will hack ( ) PC if/when ( ) access the site, so the duplicate will remain there... U guys can check out the same post/file/document that shows two(2) different [URL]'s... ( ) m a bit hesitant to imbed the post/file/document from [Gmail] connected site, however, so long as ( ) don't click on the post/file/document, Google may not b able to hack... That's just a guess... At any rate -- ( ) hope ( ) remember never to click on the post/file/document in the future...

9.6.3. .

9.6.4. ..

9.6.5. ...

9.6.6. ….

9.6.7. …..

9.6.8. …...

9.6.9. …….

9.6.10. ……..

9.6.11. .

9.6.12. ..

9.6.13. ...

9.6.14. ….

9.6.15. …..

9.6.16. ......

9.7. This is the Crux of Mindmeister site, guys...

9.7.1. The Crux The Crux The Crux

9.8. When u create a post/file/document

9.8.1. ..

9.8.2. .

9.8.3. Eui Kyoo Kim [URL_#1] is auto_generated when u create a file; look at the [TITLE_BAR] at the top of the computer screen... & if u'r TITLE {the subject of FIRST [DIALOGUE_BOX]} is [Eui Kyoo Kim], add the TITLE at the end of the [URL_#1] after typing [Forward_Slash] [ / ] -- in LOWER CASES & USE HYPHEN between words & hit [Carriage_Return]~ Eui Kyoo Kim . This is what u want -- the [Channel] -- THE_PUBLIC_SITE... . This is how the file should look when it gets PUBLISHED... . So do u guys c the difference?

9.8.4. U get this... This may b the file used for those u invite to fuck the content with; ( ) haven't figured it out yet...

9.8.5. .

9.8.6. {( ) love DYNAMIC_LINK, ( ) don't know y Twitter disables it...}

9.9. `...

9.10. ....

9.11. ...

9.12. ..

9.13. .


10. 'There is a mystery which only those will understand who feel the truth of it.' -Arthur Schopenhauer

10.1. So the post/file/document ( ) had imported got funky because after uploading, ( ) exported then deleted the duplicate from the original site where the file was originally uploaded... Remember this?

10.1.1. English Grammar Diagramming... . .

11. Q: Now, will this [Channel] URL open? It is a case of [Self_reference] since this post is PART of the [Channel] ( ) m trying to open via following [URL]:

11.1. Paran Nancho III | MindMeister

11.2. .

11.3. Maybe not... ( ) will try another [Channel][URL]...

11.4. Paran Nancho | MindMeister

11.4.1. No, no more [Channel]...

11.5. Ian Saph Scripts

11.5.1. Since [Paran_Nancho_II] does not have [Channel] of its own, all 3 posts there have [Other posts within the same site] imbedded in them, so by opening one of them can access the rest & is imbedded here [Paran_Nancho_III], so it can b accessed via [Channel]... Yes, this post has been RELOCATED from the site [URL] ( ) cannot CLICK, because of Google's obsession of hacking ( ) stuff -- the same post exists within this site with RED_BORDER to remind ( ) not to CLICK...

11.6. .

11.7. ..

11.8. & it -- [Channel]'s -- can b twitted {though it cannot b imbedded into its own posts as it is self-evident via the experiment above}} as [Schopenhauer] could tell u... {though the tweets scroll downwards as new tweets roll in...} Each website has its own strengths & weaknesses uniquely their own... None perfect...

11.8.1. Ian Saph (@IanSaph1) | Twitter Murdered by ( ) as of yesterday... That was [26FEB2020WED]...

11.9. .

11.10. ..

11.11. [Satya_Nadella] turned the [AD] icons almost invisible after ( ) reported that [AD] sites r [PORTALS] to [MALWARES], which ( ) learned from outsourced Indian Tech_Support Company [Reimage]...

11.11.1. [24FEB2020MON] The MSN [AD] icons turned VISIBLE! The whole trip -- latest fad -- is based on the 'envy' that spells, '( ) want to b loved too after having been bad...' 'Jesus' envy... But it -- HACKING -- does not apply to linear reality because it not only happens NOW but also will continue into the FUTURE... That is y the proposal for [Trump] & [Putin] friendlily retire together is the only solution... POSITIVE SOLUTION... The LOGIC of GOOGLE is if JESUS' hacking is tolerated, then so should GOOGLE'S hacking b... U c~

11.12. .

11.13. Mindmeister, [URL_#2] site -- [Channel] window -- does not have [Right_Scroll], no it does, but it scrolls the [Outer_Window] & we cannot scroll [Inner_Window]... [URL_#1] site -- the [INPUT] window -- does not have [Bottom_Scroll] & the screen 'pops' when/if we try to scroll with mouse... Is that a BUG or is that a HACK? As ( ) type this, ( ) c the evidence of HACK -- OVERLAPPING DIALOGUE BOXES...

11.14. .

11.15. The BUG of HUMANOIDS which we r born with, cannot b cured...

11.15.1. Y do we have AFFAIRS? Can we ever not have AFFAIRS? ...

12. Mindmeister, U need the [Scroll_Bar] for the bottom... It is missing... How could u?

13. Try guess what this is... Yap, [Mindmeister] just updated itself so [Channel] of a post can b imbedded into its own post... Click & find out~


13.1.1. Things change every single minute...

14. IanSaph_Scripts_Depository - Home

14.1. .

15. The Crux

15.1. Floating_Island

15.2. Okay, it does appear ( ) bullshitted unintentionally... So let ( ) go over the beginning procedure once more...

15.3. [1] With u'r [email_addiress] & [password] u r in at the [INPUT_SCREEN]...

15.4. [2] The first thing u c is the [FIRST_DIALOGUE_BOX]; it is very important what u type in this box because it becomes part of [URL] to publish u'r work [PUBLIC]

15.5. [3] U r 'instructed/directed' to upload even before u have any content -- in order to 'generate' the 'LINK'...

15.5.1. So, the next thing u do is click on [Share] button at the bottom of the screen & fill out the box for [Public_link] by pressing the blurb on the right, then choose [Category], then type the [Description] per DOCUMENT & u will c the LINKS to [Social_Media] such as Twitter when u r ready to do that, then press [Done]... This is how u'r [URL_#1] is generated...

15.6. [4] Then u will b automatically uploaded to the PUBLIC site; by clicking on the upper right corner u will b led to u'r FOLDER & choose which FORMAT u want...

15.7. [5] Click on u'r Avatar & click on [My_Account] & fill out [Name], [Website_URL] & [Description] per ACCOUNT...

15.8. [6] Then u r ready to create CONTENT...

15.9. [7] The rest, u learn by doing...

15.9.1. [LATEST_DISCOVERY] [My_Channel] on the LEFT_MARGIN on [Channel] site {aka Public site} is only visible to the ACCOUNT HOLDER & to others, it is replaced by [Featured_Maps]... So the only way u know someone's [Channel_#][URL_#2] is if u were given that info & not otherwise... Note: Not all [Public] site is [Channel] site... When u upload a document which is then becomes PUBLIC, the published document's background is identical to [Channel] site's background -- a bit confusing; it just indicates that the document is published & can b accessed by all who has computer...

16. Not via Gmail...

16.1. So Google won't b able to hack at least via this site...

16.1.1. Check this out; Google is not allowing ( ) to change the email address!

16.2. Maybe...

16.3. Never know...

17. History of [Paran_Nancho]'s

17.1. FB [Paran_Nancho]: Dead 10th & last FB account... It lasted [1 1/2 days]...

17.2. Mindmeister [Paran_Nancho] Gmail : Portal to Google hacking; so ( ) cannot LINK here...

17.3. Strikingly [Paran_Nancho_II]

17.3.1. Punishment continues unless the Other LOGO changes FIRST? Is that like punishment for designing too big a logo or something? If ( ) do that, there will left with ZERO LINK to Strikingly; tell ( ) ( ) m wrong...

17.3.2. Bad News happening: 1 hour ago...

17.3.3. Eight people killed in shootings in Germany, police giving chase Y is this not opening? U guys need to chill out...

17.3.4. Paimon

17.3.5. ( ) might have to delete all [Strikingly] site [URL]'s...


17.4. Mindmeister [Paran_Nancho_III] This site...

18. Read NOW

18.1. .

18.1.1. . . .

19. Mundane Corner on Strikingly

19.1. .

20. Co-Author: [Paran_Nancho_II]

20.1. Original_Author: [Paran_Nancho_III]

20.1.1. [Paran_Nancho] Paran Nancho | MindMeister

20.1.2. .

20.1.3. [Paran_Nancho_II] Paran Nancho II | MindMeister

20.1.4. ..

20.1.5. [Paran_Nancho_III] Paran Nancho III | MindMeister

20.1.6. ...

20.1.7. [Paran_Nancho_IV] Paran Nancho IV | MindMeister

20.1.8. ….

20.1.9. [25APR2020SAT2048UTC] The above illustration is added by [Co-Author], but to show that these documents r created by the [Original-Author], ( ) have temporarily violated the COLOR_SCHEME differentiating the two authors who r biologically same, but THEMATICALLY & MENTALLY split up due to economic condition... -Co-Author p.s. The above sites creation dates do not coincide with the site names' order... [Chronological_Order] [1][Paran_Nancho] [2][Paran_Nancho_III] [3][Paran_Nancho_IV] [4][Paran_Nancho_II]