iPad's at the Master in Management Development program

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iPad's at the Master in Management Development program by Mind Map: iPad's at the Master in Management Development program

1. The Proposal

1.1. From Learn to the classroom

1.2. A paperless semester

1.3. Bring material from central system into the teaching

1.4. New possibilities for teaching with app's

1.5. An experiment

1.6. Align with study objectives

2. Resources

2.1. Some iPads on loan to faculty and students

2.2. Support from CBS/Steffen Löfwall

2.3. Integration app's to Learn

2.4. Mads, Lise and John

2.5. Curious - but not adventurus - teachers

3. Ideas and suggestions?

3.1. What do you think is needed?

3.2. Er der facetter af CBS Learn som i særlig grad kunne lægge op til iPad's anvendelse?

3.3. Kan iPad's integreres i din undervisning? Hvordan? Hvad skal der til for at det kan ske? Why not?

3.4. Idea's where we could improve and develop the CBS app' to enhance learning?

4. How to create a strong network around a new technology.

4.1. LInking to central system

4.2. Central system stability and use

4.3. Several systems - where to focus?

4.3.1. Students established alternative "learn" system

4.3.2. Learn "stange" - and not supporting collaborative messaging

4.3.3. Virtual exam - using Adobe Connect - what is that?

4.3.4. MANY app's available

4.4. Support and encouragement

4.5. Identifying potential apps

4.6. Users searching for practices

4.7. Users to establish working practices

4.8. Users to exchange practices and app's

4.9. Best practices/one way - or multiple solutions?

4.10. Delivery of material to teaching

4.10.1. Articles

4.10.2. Books from library

4.10.3. Other sources?

4.11. New node

5. Next step(s)

5.1. - Jeg tror at en af de største ting ved iPad's er den gode integration og det at alle materialer flyder ind - men hvorledes får vi udviklet den pædagogiske side af set-up'et? Her er MMD stadigvæk på forsøgsstadiet - og det bliver vores udfordring at få det udviklet næste år

5.2. Getting electronic versions of textbooks - establish smooth proces with library

5.3. Stimulate faculty to make more experiments - e.g establish a catalouge and provide explicit examples of use of apps and methods