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Vis com by Mind Map: Vis com

1. Visual Tech ch 5

1.1. motion

1.1.1. Stereoscopes

1.1.2. Kinescope

1.1.3. cinema

1.1.4. Eadweard Muybridge Motion Studies

1.2. reproduction

1.2.1. Authenticity walter Benjamin

1.2.2. aura

1.3. daguerrotype

1.4. political art

1.4.1. aids

1.4.2. che guevara

2. Modernity- Ch 3

2.1. The gaze

2.1.1. schophilia voyerism

2.2. foucault- philospher

2.2.1. panopticism

2.3. Lacan-psychoanalyst

2.3.1. mirror phase

2.4. Bruno Latour

3. Visual Culture- ch1

3.1. looking

3.2. Mimesis (reflection)

3.3. meaning

3.3.1. connotative

3.3.2. denotative

3.3.3. myth

3.4. ideology

3.5. icon

3.6. Appropriation

4. chapter 2

4.1. beauty and such

4.1.1. aestetics

4.1.2. taste

4.1.3. connoisseurship

4.2. Stuart Hill

4.2.1. Decoding

4.2.2. encoding

4.2.3. accepting messages Dominant Hegemonic Reading Negotiated Reading oppositional reading

4.3. idelology

4.3.1. Interpellation marx

4.3.2. althusser

4.3.3. Hegemony

4.4. recreation is OVER!

4.4.1. appropriation

4.4.2. reappropriation

4.4.3. bricolage

4.4.4. counter bricolage

4.4.5. textual poaching

5. Ch 8 Advertising

5.1. mater narratives

5.1.1. Simulation/simulacara

5.2. high and low culutre

5.3. intertextuality

5.4. post modernism

5.4.1. postmodernism vs modern art reflexivity modern vs post modern architecture

5.4.2. parody

5.4.3. pastiche

5.5. hyppereal

6. CH 9

7. Ch 10 globe shit

7.1. cultural imprealism

7.2. deterritiorialization

7.3. diaspra

7.4. global subject

7.4.1. global gaze

7.4.2. concepts of globalization global brands

8. CH 4 real and not

8.1. real

8.1.1. foreshortening

8.1.2. Types of Realism Socalist poetic italian neo

8.1.3. photographic truth

8.1.4. isometric projection

8.2. not real

8.2.1. abstraction

8.2.2. perceptual anamorphis

8.2.3. virtual images

8.2.4. virtual spaces

9. Ch 7

10. other shit

11. New node

12. New node