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Energy by Mind Map: Energy

1. Different forms Of Energy

1.1. Kinetic Energy

1.2. Gravitational Energy

1.3. Heat Energy

1.4. Light Energy

1.5. Potential Energy

2. Definition of Energy

2.1. The capacity of something, a person, an animal or a physical system to do something.

3. Space Shuttle

3.1. chemical energy to kinetic energy to gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy

4. Pile Driver

4.1. Chemical energy to kinetic energy to gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy

5. Green leaves

5.1. light energy to chemical potential energy

6. Ball falling from table

6.1. gravitational potential energy to kinetic and heat and sound energy to gravitational potential energy to kinetic and heat and sound energy to gravitational potential energy to kinetic and heat and sound energy